Final Activity Report Summary - MILKING DRYLANDS (Milking drylands: gender networks, pastoral markets and food security in stateless Somalia)
Through the fellowship a number of papers, teaching sessions and conference presentations have been developed. A number of universities and research institutes have invited the candidate to present and discuss research findings while a number of development agencies (such as Save the Children and World Food program) are using research outcomes to revise their strategy in the region.
The research has been awarded the EC-supported Engelberg prize, has been accepted for PhD graduation by the CERES program in Wageningen and has received a follow up grant from CEPIP to enable PhD thesis writing. As a result of these achievements, the candidate has been allowed to start teaching Development Sociology at the University of Firenze.
Activities at the research-development interface have also been a main achievements of the research, with important collaborations established with National Animal Production Institute, Nigeria; World Initiative for Sustainable Pastoralism; International Land Coalition, International Institute for Environment and Development, Institute for Sustainable Development, Istituto Agronomico dell' Oltremare, Università di Firenze.
Recent collaborations with CGIAR International Centre for Agriculture Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA) and the EC-funded PastoMED program are opening the way to translate research outcomes in the Mediterranean context.