CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-06-16

Impact of Environmental Agreements of the CAP

Final Report Summary - MEACAP (Impact of Environmental Agreements of the CAP)

During the first period of the project (April 2004 - March 2005), work commenced and consisted mainly of initial research and laying the foundations for the subsequent periods. The management structure for the project was established, along with a detailed methodology. The project's website was set up and a project leaflet produced to raise awareness of the research programme. A paper on the significance of the 2003 CAP reform was produced which provided a detailed analysis of recent changes against which any further changes to the CAP could be assessed. This report proved to be one of the first analyses of its kind and was helpful for the project team and informative for other related projects. The paper was distributed via the project website and emailed to the project mailing list.

A number of other actions were also finalised during this period including: 'Initial paper setting out implications of the CBD for the agricultural sector'; 'Initial report assessing Kyoto Protocol commitments for the EU'; 'Survey of GHG reduction policies and agricultural measures in EU and candidate countries'; and 'Report on survey of GHG mitigation options'.

During the second period of the project (April 2005 - March 2006), the majority of the work to identify and assess measures aimed at mitigation and bioenergy supply in the agriculture sector; at the forestry sector; and at enriching biodiversity in agriculture was carried out. In addition, the following actions were completed: 'Economic evaluation of mitigation policies / technical measures in the agricultural and forestry sectors'; 'List of GHG mitigation potential, abatement costs and technical feasibility of mitigation options and production chains'; and 'Modelling approaches and other quantitative methods for policy analysis'.

In February 2005, a workshop for partners was held in Vilnius, Lithuania, to identify case study areas to explore three topics focusing on the new Member States: semi subsistence farming, arable production on large scale farms, and land abandonment.

In June 2005, a joint workshop for the biodiversity team (IEEP, FAL, HUB, SAC) was held in Nitra, Slovakia to address the case study work and the screening of technical measures to support biodiversity.

During the third period of the project (April 2006 - June 2007), the following actions were finalised: 'Quantification of carbon gains of selected technical and management-based mitigation measures in forestry'; 'Expected impact of the Kyoto Protocol on European forestry'; 'Survey of technical and management based mitigation measures in forestry'; 'Overview of the selection of biodiversity technical measures'; 'Greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation costs of selected mitigation measures in agricultural production' and 'Greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation costs of selected bioenergy production chains'; 'Analysis of policy instruments for greenhouse gas abatement and compliance with the Convention on Biodiversity' and 'Market impact analysis of biofuel policy implementation'; 'The implementation of the Kyoto Protocol: Current state and implications for agriculture and forestry'; 'Modelling Approaches and other Quantitative Methods for Policy Analysis'.

MEACAP's final stakeholder meeting on 'A New Climate in the CAP?' was held on 13 March 2007 at Scotland House, Brussels. The meeting was attended by European Commission and national officials and people from non-governmental organisations (NGOs). It aimed to present the final research findings to an external audience for feedback, to discuss its policy implications, and to bring together people working on a similar range of issues to develop thinking in this area. The meeting involved presentations of the results of each work package and participants were invited to provide feedback on a draft version of the MEACAP strategy. The feedback obtained from this meeting was used to develop the final version of the strategy. The presentations given at the meeting can be found on the MEACAP website.

The final project report takes the form of a strategy presenting the results of the MEACAP project over the three year period and draws on the deliverables of each work package to examine the obligations on the EU arising from the two multilateral agreements, the Kyoto Protocol and the CBD, and to consider their implications for the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The strategy proposes a number of measures for adapting the CAP in order to meet these two commitments.