Final Activity Report Summary - GIEGE-ERG (Cytochrome c biogenesis in higher plant mitochondria)
Surprisingly, in plant mitochondria, cytochrome c are assembled by a complex mechanism, similar to the one described in some bacteria. Several proteins involved in this pathway have already been identified by their sequence similarity with bacterial cytochrome c maturation proteins (CCM proteins). However, many proteins predicted by the bacterial model are yet to be characterised in plant mitochondria.
During this project the following results have been obtained:
The analysis of protein complexes containing CCM proteins by BN-PAGE has shown the existence of 480, 900, 500 and 500 kDa that can be in interaction with complexes of the respiratory chain Protein-protein interactions of CCM proteins have been studied. These experiments show that there are interactions of CCMH with apocytochrome c and also some interactions between CCMA and CcmB, the components of an ABC transporter. An appreciation of the expression of ccm genes has been done using a CATMA microarrays and is now analysed. Further analysis will now be done in the laboratory.