CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference 2004, Riga, Latvia

Final Activity Report Summary - EPE-PEMC 2004 (International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference 2004, Riga, Latvia)

The EPE-PEMC Conference is the result of collaboration between scientists from Member States and Candidate Countries. The organisation of the conference is set up to suit 3 objectives:
- give the participants state of the art knowledge in the field by inviting outstanding scientists from all parts of the world, mainly Europe, America and Asia to give keynote lectures.
- allow scientists from Central European countries to make the necessary contacts to develop their research activities and join the European effort for excellence in the field
- give the opportunity to young scientists to attend or present a paper in an international conference, giving them a chance to improve their research work by confronting it to international standards.

Power Electronics and Motion Control are topics that are key issues for the future:
Power Electronics is the enabling technology for key priorities of FP6: the future of electrical energy grid, storage of electrical energy and rational use of energy are part of the conference. Some topics of the conference are especially devoted to energy savings in various industrial sectors. Motion control covers all aspects related to electrical drives, including the development of new innovative turbines for wind energy. Energy efficient drives are discussed as well. The results of these researches will allow further energy savings in the process industry.

Besides discussing to-the-point topics, the conference has a special training character compared to other international conferences in the field. Keynotes speakers as well as invited sessions speaker are chosen not only for the state-of-the-art of their message but also for the didactical way of delivering the message. The fact that numerous participants are not perfectly fluent in English, preventing them to take part in international discussion is taken into account by organising dialogue sessions, i.e. poster sessions organised without any lecture session in parallel. These sessions allow numerous and fruitful person to person contacts between the participants, as the language of the participant?s choice is used in these contacts. The conference organisers are also giving special guidelines to all, and especially, English speaking lecturers to ensure that no language barrier prevents scientific information flow.

EPE-PEMC 04 Conference took place in Riga Congress Centre, September 1-4, 2004. Baltic Organising Committee from Riga Technical University, Tallinn Technical University, Kaunas University of Technology and Vilnius Gediminas Technical University was chaired by Professor Leonids Ribickis, the Corresponding member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Vice-Rector for science and research of Riga Technical University. 515 scientists and researchers from 47 countries participated at the Conference. Special attention should be focused on the fact that most of all participants were from Japan (60), 45 scientists were from Germany and 42 from Poland. Latvia was represented by 40 scientists, Estonia by 14, Lithuania 11.

Analysing papers from different points of view it is obvious that overall leading topics, according to the number of papers, are such areas as power electronic converters and their control systems, that 106 papers together report on new achievements in the world. As usual, the most attention was given to the reports on electric machines (66 reports), motion control and robot technique (54 reports). For the first time at such conferences many papers were devoted to power electronics application in electric power production, transmission and distribution (53 reports).

In Riga for the first time in the history of EPE-PEMC conferences an awarding for the best poster of a day 'Best Poster Award' was introduced into practice. Attention must be focused on the fact that each day 120 posters were presented in Dialogue sessions in Riga Congress Centre. Conference participants elected the best poster.