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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-29

Evaporative of a guided atomic beam: towards a continuous Bose-Einstein condensate source


Nanostructured functional materials constitute one of the most dynamic and rapidly expanding fields in science and technology, which include their use in such diverse areas as materials technology, biotechnonology, energy and environmental technology, electronics, catalytic applications etc.

From other side, the increasingly important role in biophysics and in life sciences is played by laser spectroscopie methods. The present project challenges one of the most exciting and phenomena rich sub-fields of nano-science and nano-technology (N&N): the interaction of visible and near visible light with nanostructured materials. It is aimed at fabrication of optically active synthetic nanostructures for the exploration of sensing mechanisms with biological matter.

In the framework of the present project research activity is planned to be concentrated on, firstly, deliberate fabrication of optically-active substrate by means of state-of-the-art nanofabrication techniques (e-beam lithography, colloidal lithography etc.) an d, secondly, exploration of obtained optically-active substrates for biosensing applications.

Utilizing shaped metallic nanostructures or arrays of metallic nanostructures to influence the fluorescence of biomolecules in close proximity to the surface is planned by tuning surface plasmon resonance energy of formed nano architectures. Controlled positioning of macromolecular species on the pre-fomed nobel metal nanostructures to probe enhanced fluorescence or enhanced quenching, necessary for ultra-sensitive detection scheme, will be performed.

Later goal constitutes a demonstration of sensitivity of built architectures to the binding events between preformed sensing platform and biomolecular species, complementary to those available in the fabricated synthetic bio-nano architectures. Overall, the results of research activity are expected to contribute substantially in fundamental understanding of surface enhancement

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