The mission of the IRC Hungary project is to raise the quantity and quality of Hungarian technology transfer offers and requests by providing cost-effective services pertinent to local (national) needs, impartially to all clients. Thereby, the project wi ll ensure an increasing number of participants from Hungary in transnational technology transfer (TTT) activities and contribute to the success of TTT agreements between Hungarian and foreign clients, thus fostering the realization of the European Resear ch and Innovation Area. IRC Hungary will cover the whole geographical area of the country, being an innovation and TTT less-favoured region. This overall objective will be achieved by three major lines of activities: providing services to IRC clien ts, providing services to the IRC network and 3. by taking part in internal IRC matters. To implement the project 3 workpackages (WP) have been devised. These WPs concentrate on the above major lines of activities, by dividing the work to several ind ependent but interrelated tasks, where advisable. The IRC Hungary consortium is consisiting of BUTE OMIKK(National Technical Information Centre and Library of Budapest University of Technology and Economics),the co-ordinator and the Theodore Puskas Found ation Institute of International Technology,PTA-NETI, as contractory. Important stakeholders, like regional development agencies, chambers of industry and commerce, industrial associations and groupings, etc. will also join the project as additional non-c ontracted partners, while governmental agencies (ministries) and other national bodies having role in TT activities will be invited to the advisory board of the Hungarian IRC. This initiative is supported by the National Office for Research and Technology .
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