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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-29

Promoting and structuring multidisciplinary academic - industrial collaboriation in research and training through SME technology developers: Promatch


This initiative is based on the need to develop a new generation of ¿complete¿ researchers in the field of modelling and process control, building capacity to bridge the gap between fundamental research and industrial applications. Real-time model based p rocess control and optimisation will become feasible only if the used dynamic plant models are of sufficiently low computational complexity and if the numerical optimization strategies are tailored to the model and the application context. The research pur pose of the project is to build experience with the joint tailoring of optimization strategies and the reduction of these models by simpler formulations, still representing the underlying physics and solving the real-time control and optimization problem properly but reducing the computational load. An interdisciplinary approach combining chemical process engineering, process dynamics and computation research is therefore required. It is well known that academia and industry need each other, but there is ¿confusion as to how to structure this relationship¿. PROMATCH does so by involving 5 interdisciplinary universities with 3 high tech SME solution providers to organise ¿training by research¿ in 3 cross-partner research teams. Each features an experienced researcher (ER) from 1 of the 3 research disciplines (chemical process technology, process dynamics and numerical computation) in combination with 2 early stage researchers (ESR) from the 2 complementary disciplines. This approach will be the combination of fundamental research and the elaboration of several industrial modelling case studies. Fundamental research will concentrate on the parallel study of 3 different approaches to arrive at highly efficient solution of the real time control and optimization problems employing simplified dynamic process models. The potential impact of the project is high. It helps overcome obstruct real time process optimisation with potential high energy effects.

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