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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-06-16

Risk communication network


The project will establish a network bringing together scientists, science communicators and media that have not been able to complement their activities in the past on issues of science development and societal uncertainty. To be addressed are key risk is sues, including risk assessment, management and the precautionary principle. The overall aim of the network will be to stimulate open dialogue on this important topic and bring forward public perspectives on risks. The communication will be done in a stim ulating and interactive manner. We have chosen two FP6 priority areas to communicate risk issues: biodiversity and genomics as it relates to health. There will be five core deliverables to support the activities of the network: 1. Three workshops to stre ngthen the links between the three stakeholders 2 Production of four in depth case studies dealing with risk issues in the above mentioned priority areas 3. A reference book targeting communicators of science based on the in depth case studies 4. Prod uction of upto four 10 minute films to clearly present the case studies through a different media platform 5. Internet database/reference centre These deliverables will be used, primarily by our network to effectively communicate and open a dialogue with the public and schools on risk issues. The project has been designed such that the deliverables incorporate stakeholder feedback. The main communication platform will be presentations at science museums, and publishing and broadcasting media around Europe. The network includes research organizations, science communicators and media from twenty seven locations in sixteen European countries. The project aims to exploit a mixture of different information delivery platforms for the purpose of optimizing the imp act of the dialogue on risk issues. Through the chosen deliverables, the project will have a short and long term use with science communicators, schools and general public.

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