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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-16

European Platform of Women Scientists


The overall objective of the proposal is to establish the European Platform of Women Scientists as a structural link between women scientists and policymakers by means of a democratic, inclusive, permanent, sustainable and politically active non-profit making association with its administrative seat in Brussels in order to - represent with democratic legitimacy and transparent decision-making structures the concerns, needs, aspirations and interests of European women scientists in dialogue with national, European and international institutions and - coordinate EU value-added support activities for women scientists including to make them better understand the role they can play in the policy debate.
Its main activities will be: - "networking the networks" of women scientists - providing value-added support to women scientists - assuming the role of key strategic actor in the research policy debate - assist the preparations of FP7 to integrate research by, for and about women - promoting the understanding and the inclusion of the gender issue - supporting awareness raising for women in industrial research - developing public relations - profiling the work of women scientists which will contribute to the objectives of - effecting cultural change in the European Research Area - a more dynamic interaction between scientists, policymakers and society at large - stimulating the policy debate at national and regional level and the mobilization of women scientists - improving the effective use of scientific advice - providing trans-national synergies - supporting gender mainstreaming - improving the public understanding of science.

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Partecipanti (3)