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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-25

Novel applications of lactic acid bacteria to improve food safety and health


This Early Stage Training project aims at establishing the scientific basis for the development of novel applications of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) to improve food safety and health (LABHEALTH). The project proposes a solid disciplinary training, opening o ut to multidisciplinary approaches and the creation of new inter-sectorial training. It plans to integrate 12 Marie-Curie fellows (6 PhD and 6 programmes of 12 to 18 months) to whom both theoretical and experimental training will be given.The generic theme concerns bacterial interaction in various ecosystems. The cognitive aspects are focused on the study of LAB surfaces and gene expression in the following ecosystems: multiple species biofilms and the gastro-intestinal tract. The applied perspectives are t he development of protective biofilms and of new mucosal vaccines with the general objective of limiting pathogens contamination via biofilms and animal carriage. In a longer-term perspective, the mucosal vaccines together with the identification of bacter ial functions expressed in the host are likely to contribute to improve human health.The experimental training comprises a selection of research programmes on the main topics developed by the 8 teams involved in LABHEALTH and is based on their intensive co llaboration. The theoretical training is based on existing courses completed by contributions of LABHEALTH scientists. A new course will be set up on the topic of Bacterial interactions in ecosystems. All courses will be incremented by the project results and the participation of the fellows. A general training plan will be proposed to the fellows for implementing their research and their future career. They will be supported and supervised by multidisciplinary committees.The project will take place in an i nter-sectorial research centre devoted to microbiology, nutrition and health. It is part of the National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) working for more than 50 years in agricultural research

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Centre de Recherche de Jouy-en-Josas - Domaine de Vilvert

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