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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
Contenuto archiviato il 2024-06-16

Knowledge - based radical innovation surfacing for tribology and advanced lubrication


In addition to their traditional roles as seals and diaphragms, components made of rubber-like materials are increasingly replacing traditional metallic components (cams,slides) due to their ease of manufacture, lightness and cost. However, industrial s takeholders suffer from a lack of understanding of the time-dependent tribological behaviour of rubber-like materials (lubrication, wear & friction mechanisms). Moreover, surface modifications to improve tribological properties of rubber-like materials are rather unexplored, and the few existing coatings (graphite layers, PE layers or water based lacquers) suffer from a low wear resistance and bad adhesion. Therefore, understanding&modelling tribological behaviour of rubber-like materials is a manda tory step towards a knowledge-based engineering of their surfaces. Indeed, a radical innovation in the tribological behaviour of these materials can only be achieved through an integrated R&D approach for the development of advanced thin films. Hence, the overall objective of KRISTAL is to deliver innovative coating&surfacing techniques and associated modelling tools, to industrial partners for them to integrate tribology as a main design criteria of sealing&sliding systems using rubber-like mat erials. Because understanding tribological behaviour at nanoscale is a mandatory step to control tribological functions at macroscale, research will be carried out on three levels; going from nanoscale, then microscale to macro scale. This innovative appro ach will enable KRISTAL industrial consortium to: - develop quick and cost-effective design methods of sliding /sealing systems by considering tribological aspects - control friction during the life of the component by tailored surface engineering - minimi ze the environmental impact (noise, vibration, leakage, lubricant) of sliding /sealing systems by considering tribological aspects - obtain self-lubricating and long-life (maintennance free) sliding systems.

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NoE - Network of Excellence


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Poligono Landaben, Calle D s/n

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Partecipanti (22)