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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-05-29

Study on High Altitude Aircrafts and Airships (HAAS), deployed for specific aeronautical and space applications

Exploitable results

For several years, the needs and potential have become increasingly apparent for a category of aerial platform, one able to operate and offer services from an altitude lower than space-based satellites but higher than that currently used by commercial aircraft - i.e. from the stratosphere. New requirements and opportunities have arisen especially in the communications, remote sensing and security sectors. 1. The High altitude aircrafts (HAAS) sector offers considerable potential to support a range of valuable applications and services; 2. HAAS platforms are already available for limited short term missions; 3. A phased implementation approach is proposed for HAAS; 4. Key high level targets include: Very long endurance & very high altitude missions; Large payload airships. High altitude long endurance craft represent the ultimate goal; 5. Multi-mission flexibility is important for HAAS platforms; 6. Safety and security are paramount targets for HAAS. Airworthiness certification of HAAS vehicles is critical, and may present considerable challenges for commercial operation; 7. Regulatory and policy matters are highly significant and a potential impediment. Air traffic management & radio spectrum allocations for HAAS represent major issues; 8. HAAS is inherently environmentally sound in terms of operation. Most platforms require only solar energy, and have minimal environmental impact. Considerable achievements have been made in some research areas, most notably regarding communications applications. However, R&D tends to be fragmented, and the sector has not yet succeeded in convincing commercial investors or service providers Policy implications - R&D funding is currently under-resourced to see this new technology through to commercial and operational sustainability; - Research needs to be more integrated, bringing together aeronautical and application interests and to achieve critical mass. Europe is not realising its potential, and is in danger of falling behind other parts of the world in relation to HAAS R&D; - Multi-disciplinary skills are called for, supported by engineering and operational experience; - Participation and support for HAAS is required from a wider range of communities and stakeholders.

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