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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU
Inhalt archiviert am 2024-06-16

A Chilean European platform to improve science and technology co-operation

Final Report Summary - CHIEP (A Chilean-European platform to improve science and technology cooperation)

The ultimate aim of the CHIEP project was to strengthen cooperation in Science and technology (S&T) between Chile and the European Union.

CHIEP aspired to contribute to the existing S&T cooperation between Chile and European Union Member States, through a dissemination strategy that guaranteed a greater vision of existing bilateral and multilateral cooperation. This involved the development of an information portal site in Internet, compatible with the European information system and dissemination activities through focused publications and conferences along the country. At the same time the project should contribute to develop new S&T cooperation opportunities between the Chilean and European research and technological communities through the organisation of workshops in specific scientific subjects related areas of mutual interest, as well as through the mobility of European and Chilean scientists and representatives of Chilean research institutions.

Science-oriented workshops, mobility of scientists and representatives of Chilean research institutions, accompanied by a portal in Internet which generated the necessary information in order to strengthen the links between the European and Chilean scientific communities, and a specific dissemination plan, are the basic compounds defined in this project to ensure a major visibility and growth of the scientific and technological cooperation between Europe and Chile.

In order to accomplish these objectives, the project was divided in two sub-projects and an additional and transversal management Work package (WP). The first sub-project ('A friendly information system and dissemination') provided an accessible and permanent information portal in Internet, with specific information about Chilean and European projects, institutions and opportunities for joint S&T collaboration as well as dissemination of specific documents. The second sub-project ('Improving the participation of the Chilean scientific and technological community in the ERA'), mainly focused on the mobility of Chilean and European researchers and institutional scientific representatives. A regional dimension was included, to establish a better articulation with other Latin American countries, especially Argentina, Brazil and Mexico, of cooperation policies with Europe, within these four countries, and with the European Union Member States. It is important to note that Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico were the only four Latin American countries that have signed a specific S&T Cooperation Agreement with Europe.