Final Report Summary - COALINE (Development of an innovative manufacturing process for the in-LINE COAting of pultruded composites)
The work carried out at the beginning of the project was related to the definition of the needs and requirements of the producers and end users of the coated pultruded demonstrators for the construction and automotive markets (16 mm rod for ACCIONA and a rectangular hollow shape for ALKÈ). Also, preliminary market analysis and the identification of the initial risk indicators for the project were done.
- The thermal parameters and dielectric properties were measured for the resins and coatings selected by the end users.
- The material selected for the microwave antenna system was ZrO2 and the microwave susceptors selected were: Polyethylene glycol 200 (PEG) and Diisononyl phthalate (DINP).
- The assessment about the suitability of the susceptors was checked by MW curing, the reduction of the curing time of the polyester and vinylester resin was more than 50%. Besides, the susceptors do not influence the mechanical properties of the resins (tensile strength and shore D hardness).
- Regarding task 2.5: the lap shear tests of the primer developed by RESCOLL shown that the primer is a substitute of the abrasion and degreasing steps (usually implemented for the bonding of pultruded composites). The curing time of this primer was reduced from 1h at 100°C to 90 seconds at 150ºC due to pultrusion requirements. The debondable two component adhesive was developed (thermal mechanism).
The holistic numerical simulation was developed (using an internal data-acquisition software) and the final design of the microwave antenna system and the pre-heater for ACCIONA´s and ALKÈ´s die was developed in order to be integrated into the pultrusion die. Both designs were tested and built.
- Development and testing of FEM procedures for the thermo-chemical simulation of pultrusion processes using ANSYS Mechanical and ANSYS CFX software. Development and testing of EXCEL tool for a building of the curing kinetic models using the results of DSC tests. Experimental validation of the developed algorithms using results of the conventional pultrusion of cylindrical rod (the profile is cured just after the ceramic part). Development of optimal design concept for a new technology of coating in-line a pultruded profile in a continuous process.
- A POLYMEC test mould was first used (as it had the same dimensions as the ACCIONA´s die) in order to achieve valuable information for the following design of the final die. After some version designs the final ones were obtained and the manufacture of both moulds were done.
- A new real-time cure prediction system has been developed and tested successfully. Curved Sensors have been developed.
The integration of all the COALINE subsystems were developed: each die with both injection machines, the two microwave heating systems, the sensing system (curved sensors for ACCIONA´s mould) and the reinforcement guidance system (more complicated for ALKÈ´s mould due to the high amount of fibers). Three different trials were necessary for the whole integration and the adjustment of the size of the die stages. During this WP, the profile was cured successfully using MWs. The integrated Data Acquisition System was developed: measurements of real-time temperature for the 4 heating zones together with the temperature at the Microwave heating area and the profile speed were displayed. Some trials were done to achieve the validation of the full COALINE process at pilot plant level.
Many different trials with both moulds were done and the coated ACCIONA´s rod was achieved. Both profiles (ACCIONA´s and ALKÈ´s) were tested (thermal characterization, porosity, mechanical behaviour and microstructure characterization). The debondable adhesive was tested obtaining very good results and a full cargo bed chassis was manufactured in ALKÈ´s facilities using primer coated profiles (supplied by POLYMEC, AIMPLAS and RESCOLL) and the adhesive developed by RESCOLL.
A technical and economic analysis has been doing throughout the project in WP7: the new process could be economically cost effective if the pulling speed is above 20 cm/min (for polyester matrix) and 25 cm/min (for epoxy matrix). Environmental study and regulatory analysis and safety issues has been also completed.
Dissemination and exploitation activities have been done along the project development in WP8.
Project Context and Objectives:
The aim of COALINE project is to develop an in-line clean one-stage process, which is free of VOCs and small particles emissions, able to produce properly coated composite pultruded profiles by means of the development and integration of the sensing technology, advanced die design and microwave aided curing needed to adjust the curing degree of the resin in each stage of the die, to foster an improved composite coating adhesion with a reduced labour and process cost. COALINE profiles will be joined to other materials by means of a primer type coating, incorporated also in-line, with debonding on-demand properties.
COALINE aims to address the production of valuable coated pultruded profiles by dramatically reducing their cost (up to 35%) and the number of processing steps, significantly increase output and improving their quality in comparison with coated pultruded profiles obtained nowadays. The main objectives in COALINE project are the following:
• Development of a model to predict the curing degree of the resin and coating as a function of the microwave generator parameters. The main objective is the achievement of a covalent bonding between composite and coating.
• To obtain the relationship between the shrinkage of the resin and its curing degree and temperature in order to properly design the coating injection chamber.
• To formulate the resin with the necessary microwave susceptors in order to properly increase its temperature to accelerate the polymerization in the pultrusion process.
• To ensure the safety of the microwave system in the pultrusion process by designing suitable radiation traps.
• To create a specific microwave antenna to be integrated into the pultrusion die in order to increase the temperature of the resin and gel coat and consequently trigger its polymerization.
• To develop a specific sensoring system to continuously monitor the curing degree of the resin and coating inside the pultrusion mould.
• To formulate a fast curing primer for coating the composite profile and foster the adhesion of a de-bondable adhesive.
• To obtain the design rules for the new dye configuration determining the injection points, section dimensions and other parameters in order to achieve the proper process performance (throughput, energy/cost efficiency).
• To integrate the developed sensors and MW radiation equipment in the die.
The COALINE workplan was focused on providing solutions to the real needs of the Industry regarding coated pultruded profiles: finding a true alternative to existing currently employed pultruded profiles which allow simultaneously a significant improvement of quality and cost.
Furthermore, an improved performance regarding the adhesion of the coating to the composite has been achieved by means of a controlled curing degree system integrated in each stage of the process. Thus, this would provide added value to the EU industry, increasing workers’ skills and consolidating employment, fully in line with the Europe 2020 strategy35, which highlights innovation as the key factor to overcome the strong competitive pressure from globalization.
The reduction of energy consumption in comparison with current coated profiles manufacturing has been in the order of at least 30% by the reduction of the number of processing steps and the use of alternative heating systems. Specifically, a microwave heating system has been developed in order to reduce the energy consumption and the polymerization time. In addition, a new range of modified resins with microwave susceptors have been developed to improve radiation absorption and reach a fast curing process.
Furthermore, VOCs and small particles emissions has been reduced at least 60% by directly injecting resin and coating inside the mould and avoiding post-manufacturing treatments of the composite surface. The labour conditions will be improved in terms of minimizing VOCs and small particles emissions. The developed process should also lead to a reduction of waste (sand) by at least 60%by direct injection systems and the potential of profile forming and coating in one step process.
Industrial partners have participated actively in the project decision making structure to ensure that the involved industrial sectors are the main drivers of the project activities and beneficiaries of the project results.
COALINE success has been mainly based on the strong interaction and partnership of SMEs/industry and research organizations highly skilled in complementary fields. The participation of end-users guarantees high impact and the wide dissemination & exploitation of the project results at National and EU level. The achievement of these results represents a significant advantage to the SME and End User participants demanding coated pultruded profiles for electric automotive (Partner ALKE) and urban infrastructure sectors (Partner ACCIONA).
The steps needed to achieve a major impact of project activities start with the careful execution of the proposed work plan and achievement of the project goals, demonstrating the COALINE positive environmental and economic impact, and continue ensuring the appropriate measures for the efficient dissemination of project results and the efficient transfer of the generated foreground to the EU industry, with particular focus to SMEs.
Project Results:
The main scientific and technological results achieved are the following, presented in a WP basis. Partners description can be found in the website:
WP1 Definition of specifications, case studies and risk monitoring.
Leader: ALKE
Participating partners: All.
Definition of the needs and requirements of the producers and end users of the coated pultruded demonstrators for the construction and automotive markets. The study of the bonded structures to demonstrate the feasibility of the process. The performance of a preliminary economic, environmental and energetic review. The definition of the coatings needed to obtain the specifications of selected case studies and other potential applications.
Risk management: continuous assessment of the progress of the project. The review of the progress of the work in relation to the defined risk indicators and to report on this progress. Where appropriate, contingency plans were identified and implemented.
Work Plan:
Task 1.1 Definition, compilation and summary of the needs and requirements of the end users.
Task 1.2 Market and trend analysis of the coated profiles case study.
Task 1.3 Undertake analysis of legislation and identify key structures of commercial interest.
Task 1.4 Definition of process requirements.
Task 1.5 Risk indicators definition and risk management.
- End-user requirements for selected case studies.
- Pultrusion process requirements.
- Market, standards and legislation requirements.
- WP risk indicators identified.
WP2 Materials development
Development of the raw materials needed to perform the COALINE technology. It mainly included the modification of resins and gel-coat in order to obtain a suitable interaction to the microwave radiation and the development of the de-bonding technology materials.
Work Plan:
Task 2.1 Selection of microwave susceptors.
Task 2.2 Material characterization, modification and selection.
Task 2.3 Blends of MW susceptors in the selected polyester matrices.
Task 2.4 Assessment about the suitability of different MW susceptors.
Task 2.5 Development of the de-bonding technology.
- Microwave susceptors and microwave modified resins and coatings.
- Fast curing primers and debondable adhesives.
WP3 Development of the Microwave Assisted Pultrusion Technology.
Development of a holistic numerical simulation for microwave assisted pultrusion.
Development of a microwave antenna system in the pultrusion die on the base of the numerical simulation.
Development of a microwave pre-heater for resins and coatings on the base of the numerical simulation
The enhancement of the innovative COALINE pultrusion process competitiveness by reducing the time needed to polymerize both the resin and the coating.
Microwave technology also improved the control over the curing degree of the thermoset resins and, consequently, permitted the improvement of the adhesion between coating and substrate.
Work Plan:
T3.1 Holistic numerical simulation of pultrusion process.
T3.2 Design of the microwave system for the for the pultrusion die.
T3.3 Design of the microwave system for the pre-heater.
T3.4 Set-up of the microwave antenna system and microwave pre-heater for integration in the pultrusion die.
- Holistic numerical simulation of the microwave assisted pultrusion.
- Final design of the microwave antenna system and pre-heater for the integration in the pultrusion die.
WP4 Design and Manufacturing of the Multifunctional Dies.
Leader: CA
Participating partners: All.
The design and manufacturing of the multifunctional die responsible for the in-line coating of the pultruded composite profiles. The innovative die mainly included the technology developed in COALINE. Since two different demonstrator were produced (for the automotive and construction markets), two different dies were designed and manufactured. The main technologies included in the dies were:
a) Microwave assisted curing of the thermoset resins (profile).
b) Chamber for the impregnation of the fiber.
d) Length of the different stages to permit the inter-crosslinking of profile and coating.
e) Shrinkage control to achieve the desired tolerances.
The pultrusion die has been the core of the COALINE project. It included the main technologies developed, and played a key role in the success of the subsequent workpackages. The research in WP3 determined the dimensions of the die and consequently, the economics of the process and the quality and performance of the final part.
Work Plan:
Task 4.1 Modelling of pultrusion process for die designing.
Task 4.2 Design of the multi-stage and modular die.
Task 4.3 Manufacturing of the modular die.
Task 4.4 Development of the curing degree sensing system.
Task 4.5 Preliminary tests for adjustment of the size of the die stages.
- Virtual prototype of the COALINE process and Die specifications.
- Manufacturing of a 2 suitable modular dies for base technology demonstrator.
- Curing degree sensor system. Process parameters at pilot plant level gave the
predicted curing degree of the profile.
WP5 Development of the in-line coating technology and validation at pilot plant level.
The overall goal of this Work Package was the development the innovative inline coating pultrusion technology of COALINE. It consisted mainly in the system design as a whole and the integration of all the subsystems, such as injection machinery, fiber guidance system, pultrusion equipment, sensing system and microwave heating technology.
First trials at pilot plant level were carried out.
Related general objectives:
• Sensing system to instantaneously know the curing degree of the resin and coating was developed and implemented in the process. The curing degree obtained was related to the process parameters, which were modified on-line in order to obtain high quality composites.
• Development of an innovative methodology for manufacturing coated pultruded composite profiles with a reduction of cost of 35%, based on the integration of several stages such us forming, curing, surface preparation and coating in a holistic process within their specifications.
Work Plan:
Task 5.1 Integration of the COALINE subsystems.
Task 5.2 Development of the integrated Data Acquisition System.
Task 5.3 Validation of the full COALINE process at pilot plant level.
- Modular dies integrating all the subsystems.
- First coated profiles were obtained at pilot plant level.
WP6 Validation of COALINE at Industrial Level
The main objectives of WP6 was the validation of COALINE technology at industrial level and the development of the bonding / debonding technology which permitted a full integration of the composites with the rest of the structure (including metallic and / or polymeric components) and its dismantling for maintenance or recycling purposes.
Related General Objectives:
• The main objective of COALINE has been the development of an innovative and high competitive microwave assisted pultrusion process in order to obtain high competitive and quality coated composite pultrusion profiles.
• Development of an innovative formulation of primer to improve the interaction of the coated pultruded profiles with a particular type of de-bondable adhesive. De-bonding technology fostered the recyclability of composite structures.
• Demonstrate the new technology by means of the manufacturing of several coated composite profiles and debondable systems metal-composite.
Work Plan:
Task 6.1 Analysis of the selected applications.
Task 6.2 Scale-up the production of modified gel-coat and resins and fast curing primers.
Task 6.3 Modelling of pultrusion process for selected case studies profiles and final system components integration.
Task 6.4 Manufacturing of the demonstrators at industrial level.
Task 6.5 Validation of the demonstrators obtained at industrial level.
Task 6.6 Bonding and de-bonding performance of selected profiles.
- Chassis obtained at pilot plant level and was validated for ALKE demonstrator.
- Corrosion resistant profile obtained and was validated for ACCIONA demonstrator.
- Re-use and recyclability: bonding on-command performed adequately.
All of the mostly fulfilled the initial specifications.
WP7 Economic and Environmental Assessment
Participating partners: All.
The aim of this WP was to conduct an environmental and economic impact study of the new process throughout each stage of development: from fiber impregnation, microwave heating system, profile forming, coating deposition and polymerization and profile curing.
For each defined end user product:
• A Life Cycle Assessment of the new demonstrators was done in order to do the comparison with the traditional approaches to manufacture them.
• A study the environmental suitability of the substitution of the multistage process was done for the new integrated one.
Reduction of VOCs and solid particles emissions was quantified.
• An assessment the economic viability of the processes was performed, and to ensure that the obtained products fulfil the related legal requirements.
In summary, WP7 aimed to provide:
i) Decision tools to WP5 based on technical, economic and environmental assessment to help the design of process development strategies and
ii) A data-set of indicators for each demonstrator obtained in order to assess the feasibility and sustainability of large-scale commercial operation.
Work Plan:
Task 7.1. Economic analysis.
Task 7.2. Environmental study.
Task 7.3 Regulatory analysis and safety issues.
- Economic study. Prices were compared between current pultrusion processes and COALINE process.
- Life cycle analysis.
- Regulatory analysis and safety issues. The new products and process fulfilled the related regulatory requirements.
Potential Impact:
Dissemination Activities
The project information has been disseminated via three channels:
a) By partners, within their organizations and with their clients/contacts (e.g. companies websites, newsletters, meetings, training courses, etc.)
b) By partners, during external events (e.g. fairs, conferences, exhibitions, workshops, etc.)
c) By partners, using media across Europe (e.g. press release, Internet, specialized/ sectorial magazines, etc.)
It is essential to highlight that a considerable number of dissemination activities have been completed during the development of the COALINE project, i.e. more than 100 communications made (considering the different press releases; publications on partners´ websites or any other website page; articles in magazines, newspapers, etc; technical articles and posters, scientific publications, different project flyers adapted to the partners´ business interests; project presentations to clients or any other audience, project videos); partners have attended different events (fairs, conferences, workshops, info-days, exhibitions).
The use of various channels and methods (written, face-to-face & online) assured an optimal contribution of coverage, visibility and most important- setting up the scene for better market acceptance in the near future.
The activities in the Dissemination Plan covers different audiences and channels depending on the type of information to be disseminated, in order to assure the success of the project from a strategic, environmental, technologic and economic direction based on COALINE approach.
Dissemination tools and activities were divided in two main groups:
a) Industrial level: For the industrial partners, the principal objectives are to obtain results that will increase their competitiveness and market opportunities and to show these results to any potential client, in order to have a wider commercial activity and increase the company benefits. Activities such as participation in fairs, seminars, exhibitions, press releases on the new potential products...are aiming these results.
b) Non-commercial level: The RTD and HE participants are more focussed in non-commercial promotion and scientific aspects of the work. Only non-confidential project results are susceptible of publication or dissemination in journals, web-sites, congresses, workshops, fairs and seminars.
The consortium is determined to continue the dissemination actions for the COALINE project after the end of the project, focused on both the commercial and scientific audience, as an essential pillar of their interest in continuing the project work (each partner in their specific business field), to move on in a possible future exploitation of the project knowledge (as detailed in the summary table further below).
Different Dissemination tools (marketing material) were prepared, such as:
-Maintenance of the Online portal – Website:
-Brochures, flyers, postcards, posters
-General presentation of the project
-Press releases
-Videoclips of the project results, and available on the project website.
-Demonstrators for the project (more simple samples and the final demo parts)
All these resources are available at the Public part of the website and were used and displayed in fairs and meetings.
Potential Impact and Exploitation
Project and its research work done or to be done in the future of the project was broken down into exploitable results. These were results, drawn from projects work, which have commercial and/or societal significance.
The selected results were characterised from a viewpoint which is exploitation only. This is the market / customer demand or societal needs / user point of view. The following aspects were considered:
- Customer detection (focus on factors that affect purchasing decisions)
- Features of the target market (size, growth rate, share that the technology/product could reach, driving factors likely to change the market, legal, technical and commercial barriers, and other technologies likely to emerge in the near future...)
- Positioning (how the company entitled to the technology exploitation is positioned or should be positioned in the market).
List of Exploitable Results:
1. New blends (resins and coatings) with microwave susceptors;
2. Moulds for in-line coating pultrusion process with MW curing;
3. Primer and adhesive with de-bonding properties.
4. Curved sensors for controlling and monitoring the process.
Each result was then assessed in terms of risks connected to exploitation:
Non-technical factors which could represent potential risks and obstacles which could lead to the fact that the selected results of the project would remain unexploited. These factors could be of internal origin, such as partners’ diverging expectations or changing interests over the project’s life (risk of conflicts of interest), etc. Furthermore, these factors could be external, such as upcoming competition, changing market trends, etc.
The risks were analysed in terms of mitigation actions and effectiveness of interventions.
Another remarkable aspect of the Project Impact, is to have known what mainly partners obtained from the project and what they expect in the future, thanks to COALINE participation.
Therefore, based on the table included in PUDF-D8.24 Potential Key Exploitable
Results, and as complementary and public information, please find the summary below.
Moreover, it is worthy highlighting that their contribution to the project as a whole consortium has also strengthened their potential business links for the future.
Knowledge in coated pultrusion technology, to be applied to further research activities and consultancy services in other sectors.
New resin, gel-coat and primers grades modified with MW susceptors.
Knowledge in the design of modular moulds for pultrusion.
Knowledge in coated pultrusion technology with a MW system for curing resin.
Optional patent of the project moulds after discussion and further exploration with corresponding partners.
Exploitation Agreement with RESOLTECH.
Contact to and new knowledge about simulation methods and processes.
Knowledge of microwave heating system elements to be applied in continuous pultrusion processes.
New antenna and pre-heater development for automotive and urban applications.
Exploitation Agreement with ICT.
Two different microwave systems for two different profiles.
Possible patent of the project moulds.
Improved understanding of microwave interaction (at the frequencies of 2.45 GHz and 915 MHz in particular) with materials applied in pultrusion processes (i.e. resins, primers, fibres, mats, etc.).
Improved knowledge of microwave coupling into different profile geometries of the pultrusion dies for homogeneous energy distribution (solid vs. hollow profile and rectangular vs. circular profile).
Microwave injection by dielectric-filled waveguides for homogeneous heating of pressurized materials inside the pultrusion die.
Easy retrofitting of conventional pultrusion dies by microwave injection lines, as contactless injection of microwave power by coaxial coupling does not require any modification of the conventional pultrusion dies.
Two different manufacturers of pultrusion equipment already contacted Muegge with requests for consulting service concerning application of microwave technology in pultrusion.
The new microwave pultrusion concept of Muegge developed in COALINE project will be presented by Muegge on AMPERE 2017 – 16th International Conference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating in Delft, The Netherlands, on September 18-21, 2017.
Knowledge in microwave heating system development to be applied in the continuous pultrusion process to further research activities and consultancy services in other selected sectors.
New antenna and pre-heater development for other applications.
Exploitation agreement with MUEGGE.
Two different MW systems for two different profiles.
Further development and design of the microwave module to retrofit conventional pultrusion dies for hollow profiles. Contact with pultrusion machine manufacturer after possible patent clarification.
Knowledge in the design of modular moulds for pultrusion.
Knowledge in new areas & services due to direct partners’ services.
Two different modular moulds for pultrusion.
Participation & collaboration in others partners´ projects.
Direct contract to manufacture a PUR Mould for AIMPLAS.
Knowledge on partners and their services to improve our own projects.
Development of contacts for future R&D project.
Software and sensing system technology to obtain the curing degree in a pultrusion continuous process.
New curved sensor.
Potential patents for the curved sensor system and the monitoring system.
New R&D projects for the continuation of the development.
New contacts for the commercialisation of the results.
Expand pultrusion processing business and processing capabilities for opening new markets such as civil engineering, railway and aerospace industry.
Die integration in the system.
New coated pultruded profiles for automotive industry employing the different elements and materials proposed in COALINE project.
Knowledge of the whole COALINE process by integrating MW, injection, sensors and simulations.
Knowledge about simulation methods and processes.
Agreement of manufacture with ALKE for COALINE item or any other profile or service they may need.
Development of contacts for future R&D project.
Knowledge on COALINE in-line MW assisted pultrusion processes and thermo-chemical processes in general.
Simulation models based on ANSYS Mechanical and ANSYS CFX, Excel Tool for building of curing kinetic models using results of DSC tests, optimisation methodology for advanced pultrusion processes.
New lectures for MSc and PhD courses “Finite element method” (BKA516 and BKA 611). PhD thesis development.
Trustworthy partnership for future collaboration.
New project proposals for development of effective pultrusion processes.
New joint publications with project partners on simulation and optimisation of advanced pultrusion processes.
Experience gained in the synthesis and design of resins for pultrusion.
Performance of our resin and gel-coat in a pultrusion line.
Deeper insight on economic issues.
Possible patent of the project moulds.
AIMPLAS as resins customer.
New partners for other projects.
New business developed with partners (RESCOLL).
New primer formulation to be injected and cured in the COALINE pultrusion line.
Knowledge of the joint design for the new adhesive technology.
Knowledge to design, synthesise and characterise adhesives with bonding and de-bonding properties.
Potential commercial relationship with ALKE (RESCOLL as adhesive supplier and ALKE as user).
Potential commercial relationship with POLYMEC and/ or ALKE (RESCOLL as primer supplier and POLYMEC and / or ALKE as user).
Deeper insight on legislative and environmental issues.
Participation in new partnership project with COALINE partner (AIMPLAS and ICT).
New business developed with partners (RESOLTECH).
Transfer of the new pultrusion process to other industrial sectors (building, industrial, green energy, marine, etc.). Knowledge in one-step in-line coated pultrusion processes.
Transfer of the new pultrusion process to other industrial sectors (building, industrial, green energy, marine, etc.).
New contacts via technology transfer and dissemination activities.
Deeper insight on legislative and environmental issues.
Knowledge in one-step pultrusion process.
New range of products made from coated pultruded composites with high surface resistance against fire and marine environment.
Knowledge about simulation methods and processes.
Modular mould for COALINE pultrusion process.
Possibility to explore the knowledge gained in COALINE for Marine, Building & Construction, Chemical and Off-shore industries.
Knowledge of possibility to bond and de-bond composites profiles with other materials using adhesives from RESCOLL.
Knowledge of new types of resins and gelcoat that could be used in manufacturing of composites materials for construction industry.
Knowledge on applying composites based solutions for electric vehicles chassis and other parts to replace components done in metal till now (lower vehicle weight, better energy consumption optimization).
Know-how for today Alkè electric vehicle assembly process improvement and design of new electric vehicles parts where hybrid plastic & metal joints are present and critical bonding/debonding case studies must be managed selecting proper innovative adhesives.
Modular mould for COALINE pultrusion process
Potential commercial relationship between Rescoll and ALKE (Rescoll as adhesive supplier and ALKE as user).
Agreement of composite profiles manufacture with POLYMEC (profiles to be used for new EV assembly).
Development of contacts for future research projects with more research oriented partners of the consortium (AIMPLAS, FRAHUNHOFER ICT, RTU) or for new more general R&D EU projects close to the COALINE topic (all partners).
New R&D scenarios (new EU project?) for improving the COALINE concept/application for product industrialization (new process for in-line coating also in the inner part of the profile to maximize the aesthetic visual effect of external parts avoiding external metallic slaves for the joints).
New industrial scenario to improve the usage of COALINE profiles like they are but with redesign of parts assembly based on items layout simplification, better aesthetic, faster assembly time, even lower cost if applicable (different approach on part redesign, usage of folded Alu covers, zero slaves thanks to full length attachment).
Therefore, based on the information given above, COALINE innovative technologies will open new potential markets for the traditional pultrusion composite companies in Europe.
True industrial impact will require further investment, mainly aimed to optimize:
a) The industrial production of the COALINE profiles (both for the building and automotive sectors);
b) the use of those microwaves equipment at scale-up level, making them suitable for a complete automatization process in the case of both sectors;
Although the project development is aimed at specific sectors (automotive and building equipment, as was agreed under Annex I of the project), the technologies developed will be able to be applied to other type of sectors, where composite materials are currently used, or are susceptible of being used (sanitary sector, naval industry,
etc.), provided that the specific requirements of each final product can be fulfilled/adjusted from the starting characteristics.
All the above-mentioned sectors could be additional business for the SMEs involved in the value chain (compounders, mould manufacturers, end-users/distributors). The owners of the different results defined in the final version of the Plan for the Use and Dissemination of the Foreground will take into account these new niche market sectors.
To sum up, the consortium strongly believe that there is a true potential for this novel technology to replace a part of the existing pultrusion business and are committed to pursue this road along with any other company that may become interested in exploring such ground.
There are certainly many challenges and obstacles to be surpassed but it is COALINE consortium duty to expand the boundaries of the described technology.
List of Websites:
Contact details:
AIMPLAS (Coordinator)
Tlf. +34 96 136 60 40
Fax +34 96 136 60 41