The objective of CIM-REFLEX is to facilitate the timely and flexible execution of small production batches in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It will build on the data storage and acquisition capabilities provided by existing MRP and shopfloor data acquisition equipment, and provide support for high level decisions concerning product configuration, costing and scheduling.
The work will include:
- establishing a distributed planning environment with an open, modular architecture
- establishing decision support at the time of sale, with real-time feedback of information concerning the situation on the shop-floor
- exploration, development and validation of generic models for knowledge-based production planning and scheduling, customised to model corporate strategies and operational routines
- validation of the system in user organisations to assess overall gains in production flexibility and productivity.
Pilot demonstrations and evaluation are foreseen in the manufacture of heavy trucks and at a Danish SME.
The results will be incorporated in software products marketed by a vendor consortium member. SMEs will be able to integrate some or all of the resulting software modules into their existing systems.
Fields of science
Data not availableCall for proposal
Data not availableFunding Scheme
Data not availableCoordinator