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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Party do not stop. Having fun with researchers

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - Party do not stop (Party do not stop. Having fun with researchers)

Berichtszeitraum: 2015-01-01 bis 2015-12-31

The European Researchers’ night in Liguria, "Party do not stop", took the form of a big party to which all citizens are invited on the 25th September 2015.
The programme covered three cities, namely Genoa, La Spezia and Albenga. The locations of the Night were of great interest to the general public and of great importance in the imagination of the population:
o The Port of Genoa, one of the main crossroads in the Mediterranean are;
o The Port of La Spezia;
o The "Giardino Letterario Delfino" (a literary garden in Albenga) and;
o The City centre of Albenga.
The partners focused the activities of the Nights on one single them: "The researchers change the world."
The activities aimed at attracting and involving people of any age, origin, social and cultural background in a friendly way, with however a certain focus on young people and kids; researchers furthermore worked in order to fully involve little girls, teen girls and women and turn them into the protagonists of the events.
Hands-on experiments, workshops, talks, observation of stars and of sea animals, contests, sports, skill, imagination and costume competitions, cooking courses and tests, theatre performances and concerts, all proposed and accompanied by researchers, made " Party do not stop " and unique experience for everyone.
The most important research institutions in the region were actively involved in the action, namely the University of Genoa, the Italian National Research Council, the Italian Institute of Technology, the Liguria District of Marine Technology (DLTM) and the Intelligent Integrated Systems (SIIT), which include public institutions, private corporations and many small and medium-sized enterprises active in research and innovation.
The municipality of Genoa (coordinator), the Association Festival of Science, the Literary Garden Delfino, the Liguria District of Marine Technology (partner) and the Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE), the Association Gulf and Sea of Culture, Italian Naval League, La Spezia section (collaborator) took more specifically care of the organization and management of the events in the three cities.
Further entities joined the action in the course of its implementation and got actively involved in its management notably with regards to the spreading of experience, the optimisation of the Internet resources as well as the strengthening of the relationship with citizens, voluntary organizations and local authorities.

Tasks undertaken

Target audiences

o Public at large regardless of age and scientific background;

o Special attention to be paid to kids and young people, especially those facing a career choice;

Messages conveyed

o Researchers are amongst us;

o Solutions for energy saving, environmental protection, climate change and other planet risks?

o Need for hundreds of researchers: want to be one of them?

o In Liguria one person on thirty is a researcher;

o Researchers , men and women, help solving planet risks an ease your daily life;

o Some more specific messages to be determined in the course of projects’ implementation, all in relation with the main objectives.

Main communication tools to rely on

Off line

o Conception, realisation and display of written promotional material (posters, brochures, programmes, folders) distributed in mailboxes of individual households in neighbourhood;

o Publication of press releases;

o Organisation of at least one press conference (each edition);

o Publication of articles, interviews, announcements, advertisements in several media through press office;

o Sending of information material to schools, teachers and students (mailing list of coordinator, provinces, libraries and museums);

o Public advertising (posters in the port notably;

o Pre events: demo workshop and marching band of researchers (day of the event), accompanying visitors to the venues in Genoa;

On line

o Revamping, constant updating ad maintenance of project website (news, event, gallery, video material, press dedicated section, newsletter…);

o Links to all relevant websites at EU level, with institutional websites and other popular ones;

o Revamping, updating and maintenance of social network profiles;

Promotional material

o Written promotional material such as posters, leaflets, folders, programmes..

o Ads banners, websites…;

o Mention of "This European Researchers' Night project is funded by the European Commission under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions" on all promotional material displayed;

o Promotional gadgets (displayed through the European corner notably), complying with the general guidelines available at

Overview of the results

o Conception, production and display of promotional items, such as posters of various formats, folders, banners, flags, displays…(500 posters of various formats, 20.000 fliers, postcards, 12 banners in city streets, 11 info totems throughout the city, T-shirts and quadri chromes adhesives);

o Publication of about 30 articles in written press at national and regional levels;

o Public advertising: display of promotional visual on large screens near Cruises Terminals

o (La Spezia);

o Organisation of 3 press conferences (Genova, La Spezia and Roma, the latter one at

o national level);

o Direct mailing to journalists and display of press releases (specialised press, local

o journalists);

o Direct mailing to schools, and mailing to the various partners' networks of contacts;

o Setting up, constant updating and maintenance of project website, namely;

o Links with popular and institutional websites;

o Setting up, constant updating and maintenance of social network profiles (Facebook, Twitter);

o 1.505 "likes" on Facebook, 74 followers on Twitter;

o Maintenance of relations with other UE-funded Italian Researchers' Nights;

o Organisation of 3 pre-events:

o Brass band performance (Villa Bombrini in Genoa);

o Workshops in one of the most visited area during the afternoon of the event;

o About 175.000 people made aware of the Researchers' Night and its objectives.


Tasks undertaken

Locations and venues

o Albenga: Literary Garden Delfino;

o Genoa: villa Bombrini, archaeological museum, museum of natural history, port;

o La Spezia: Port, Centro Allende, Villaggio del Porto, Spezia Expò, the Naval

Museum and the Morin Promenade;

Main types of activities planned

Hands-on experiments, demos, science shows, workshops, guided visits to labs, interactive labs, rock and pop music , theatre, lectures, happy hours, games, competitions, European corners;


Workshops, lectures, music, demos, TV and European project presentation about meteorology and climate change: analysis and experimentations in the Albenga area;


Afternoon: programme addressing all from schools to families:

o Competitions, outdoors games, hand-on experiments, demos, skill challenges, special tours by sea;

o Music played in the all Port area (Conte Brass Band);

o Workshops and tasting: molecular cuisine, appetizer with researchers;

o Lab aiming at analyzing the daily life of prehistorian women living in Europe and in the Mediterranean area;

o Special links to let public meeting researchers spending winter in the Antarctic Base Dome Concordia;

o European Corners.

Workshops and labs etc. in the evening

o Astronomic observations and electric transport demonstrations;

o Submarine geology labs, submarine robots and earthquakes ;

o Demos on how new technologies improve our daily life;

o Interactive lab aimed at increase people’s awareness on social media;

o Analysis on animal documentation by mean of special cameras and of drawings;

o Special lab for understanding the dyslexia illness;

o Amazing reconstructions in 3D;

o Tasting and cooking experiment;

o Conversation and theatre performance with nanotechnologist;

o Performance on witnesses and storytelling of researchers working in Italy and abroad;

o Researchers in concert.


La Spezia Programme, 13 labs, 4 exhibits, 5 conferences and 3 concerts, has been built under a common theme: ‘Orientation’.


Demos and presentation about the wave watching for discovering the researchers activities in the CNR Maritime Station.

European corners

Number: 3

Location: Literary garden Delfino in Albenga, harbour in La Spezia, old port in Genoa;

Activities planned:

o Work stations with Internet access an links to all EU relevant websites;

o Presentation of several research projects EU-funded having had important effects in the region, with demos and experiments;

o Participation of Antenna direct staff

o European Researchers' Night MSCA roll-up (entrance of the event) complying with the following content and format requirements: 200 X 85 cm, and the mentions: "European Researchers' Night", "Marie Skłodowska-Curie: an inspiration to follow";
o An image provided by the European Commission;

Results achieved

o Organisation of activities as planned in the Annex I part B to the Grant Agreement, namely:

o Exhibitions (Computers for the masses, snapshots from the history of personal computing from the Guglielmo Marconi’s arithmometers to modern computers, Stoplastica, a sea of Trash Photos, let’s taste the Museum!);

o Laboratories (Drones for our safety!! Hands-on lab,, Cleaner : Science and Participation for the future of our seas , when everything is slow, science is rock & roll! , find your way with light and magnetism!, find your way with inertia!, restorer profession: investigating for restoring the great beauty of Italy, disorientation with ENIGMA., how many plants ! A stroll with botanists! ,orientate yourself in the Port, PortoLab, little Red Riding Hood was right: (Sea) Wolves have big ears!, shock drop! find your way with the stars!, the pirate raids along the Ligurian coast in 1400: Track down the Ottoman Corsair Dragut, find your way at School with Research! );

o Conferences ( Find your way through gendered language, find you way in an apocalyptic scenario, explorers , adventurers , musicians and researchers on the moon! , find your way with the stars! , the pirate raids along the Liguria coast in 1400: Track down the Ottoman Corsair Dracut, seaCleaner : Science and Participation for the future of our seas);

o Concerts (Concert of the Departmental Band of the Navy, Find your way to advance, DANZabilmente, explorers , adventurers , musicians and researchers on the moon!)

o Active involvement of 195 researchers of which:
o 47 having benefitted from Marie Curie schemes

o 104 having benefitted from another support in FP 7 or Horizon 2020 framework

o 9.948 visitors having taken part in the activities offered.


Tasks undertaken

Description of the current situation

o Relying on results of previous impact assessment exercises in the framework of Researchers’ nights in 2010, 2012 and 2014;

o Collection of information about the impact on the students of the activities proposed by researchers organized by the leader in the Archeological Museum and in centre town;


o Questionnaires addressing student population (aged 6-18), addressing families, kids etc., ex-ante, on-going and ex-post (including during 3 conferences planned between September 2014 and 2015);

o Special training provided for students administering the questionnaires;

o Questionnaire also available via website and social networks;

Indicators and parameters to be applied

o Quantitative: number of attendees, of participants in various activities, of hits on the website, of friends and followers on social networks, of views and downloads, typology of visitors, media coverage…;

o Qualitative: increased awareness about researchers and their job, interest expressed for science and research, interest expressed for science careers, increased awareness about societal importance of research and researchers…

Selection of the sample

o Method: random (questionnaire displayed each X participants)

o Absolute figures: at least one thousand per year.
o Collection, analysis and processing of 705 feedbacks (questionnaires), amongst which 502 in Genoa, 145 in La Spezia and 58 in Albenga;

o Main conclusions:

o Typology of visitors: 35,84 % female, 64,16 % male, background, geographical origin

o Overall positive feedback about the event itself (activities, contacts with researchers, interest, concrete organisation and scheduling);

o Clear increasing interest of the attendance towards the European Researchers' Nights, its objectives and the activities offered, mainly resulting of the choice of locations within the urban fabric such as ports, castles, museums, aquarium boats and roads, broad range of disciplines covered by the numerous researchers involved, increasing interaction possibilities in all the activities organised, variety of the activities offered including music, theatre and other culture-linked ones);

o Interest of the young people for science careers; increasing interest expressed by the young people interviewed;

o Enhancement of general recognition of researchers and their job; increasing understanding of the researchers' job and the challenges they are faced to by the general public and increased understanding by the researchers of the public expectations and concerns;

o Most successful activities: all the activities offering a high level of interactivity and possibility of active involvement for the visitors.