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Risultati finali
This document defines how the structural analysis of the process flow (from suppliers to construction site and from construction site to dump sites) has been performed and how tools for process management have been developed.
Open Data accessibility and treatment documentThis deliverables will define if some collected data of the As-Is analysis could be open data and if so will define exactly which data and following which procedure and level of confidentiality.
Report on transferability and take up at regional level tested in Emilia-RomagnaThe report will be the result of the JTE and provide a comparison and evaluation of the identified scenarios, in order to validate the replicability of project solutions in the Emilia Romagna region;
Site specific improvements and goalThis deliverable will describe the improvement objectives for each KPI, used to evaluate the As-Is situation regarding the four construction site pilots.
Scientific Advisory Board report 2This report aims at resuming the external evaluation of the scientific advisory board on the project achievements.
Solutions evaluation report for each Pilot Site: preliminary versionIndividual pilot sites analysis regarding the different scenarios results.
Scientific Advisory Board report 1This report aims at resuming the feedback of the scientific advisory board on deliverables performed at project mid-term and the on-going actions advises requested to deliver the other deliverables.
List of ICT tools transferable to construction logistic managementICT collaboration tools must be essential to support new demand-driven approaches which should be recommended for supply chain optimization. To ensure applicability of defined / simulated business models some existing e-collaboration or RFID tools will be suggested as well as potential adaptation required to match with construction logistic constraints.
Business models for construction logistic optimisation and CCC introductionOne report describing different suitable business models that can be used to improve the collaboration and cooperation of the supply chain actors.
Final validation report for each site and long term sites implementation planThe deliverable will focus on the project solutions identified in each pilot city, with the aim of identifying how construction logistics issues could be included into future urban policies in a long term perspective taking into account public and private stakeholders engagement, time plan, communication strategy, barriers and actions to be implemented (M34).
Simulation resultDescription of the results of the simulation and test process of each scenario by pilot site, including the iterating due to the evaluation done in WP5 (one “in-progress report” is started in M21).
Report on transferability and take up at European level with 12 road mapsOne joint report based on the results of the International JTE, which includes a SWOT analysis for the selected urban areas with specific focus on construction sector and the development of specific roadmaps for the 12 selected urban contexts.
KPIs and methodologies for construction logisticThis deliverables will be a list of indicators that will allow to assess the As-Is situation on the 4 different pilot sites in terms of direct and indirect costs related to logistic. Attached to this list of indicators a common methodology to collect them will be provided.
Solutions comparison and evaluation report merging results of the 4 sites and related benchmarkingPilot sites solutions validation, taking into account their results comparison and evaluation, as well as the identified barriers for future implementations.
Report on good practices in the EU and USA in construction logistics in urban areaThe deliverable represents a literature review of good practices with focus on existing tools for supply chain integration and optimisation, business models and services / operations of CCCs, aiming at reducing transport environmental impact. It will rely on the established cooperation with USA, experts’ involvement and desk work.
Report on dissemination and communication activitiesThis deliverable summarises the communication, dissemination and exploitation target performances as well as how they were achieved.
Intervention models and impacts report1 joint report based on WP3, WP4 and WP5 results, which includes conceptual schemes and intervention patterns identified, with the quantification of KPI, both for the scenario without CCC and for the scenario with CCC.
Road Map for the uptake of the SUCCESS solutionOne Success Road Map report, indicating in detailed the steps for the replicability of the project solutions. The road map also includes guidelines for sharing knowledge among the relevant stakeholders and steps to assure innovation in the construction sector, which concern actions for guaranteeing the application of innovation process and tools.
Quality and risk management planTo guarantee the running of a quality assurance process all along the project, a Quality Plan will be issued describing all adopted procedures. The scope of the Quality Plan is to provide guidelines on the day-to-day project management and on the practical aspects of the project development, including reports redaction procedures, criteria for work progress and results performances measurements.
Pilot sites detailed qualitative description with ref. to supply chain, the construction sites and the reverse logistics, city logistics ruleThis deliverables make a complete and detailed description of the pilot sites with reference to the three components of the supply chain, the construction site and the reverse logistic.
For each pilot site a report will be delivered to define the six optimized scenarios in terms of: the supply chain network, map of logistics flows, organization and contractual agreements, regulatory intervention and economic impacts .
Design of a database that includes geographical information (GIS) associated to all data needed to optimize a construction site and set up a CCC. The database will include information on recycling companies and activities for reverse logistics
Mathematical programming tools for construction logistics optimisation problemDefinition of the tools to optimise the processes and activities of the Supply Chain considering all the stakeholders, their possible collaboration and the added value activities, i.e. taking into account the Supply Chain Network Optimisation, Highly constrained Routing Problems, Routing and scheduling problems, Material flow planning and inventory optimization, Construction Site Activity Scheduling, CCCs optimisation.
Mauro Dell'Amico, Stefano Novellani
Pubblicato in:
2017 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics (SOLI), Numero September 18-20, 2017, 2017, Pagina/e 90-95, ISBN 978-1-5090-5847-1
Golini, Ruggero; Pinto, Roberto; Guerlain, Cindy; Kalchschmidt, Matteo
Pubblicato in:
EurOMA 2016, Numero June 19-22, 2016, 2016
EurOMA 2016
Guerlain, Cindy; Renault, Samuel; Ferrero, Francesco
Pubblicato in:
TRA2018, Numero April 16-19, 2018, 2018
Colin, Didier, Guerlain, Cindy, Renault, Samuel, Schwartz, Thomas, & Herbi, Ammar
Pubblicato in:
Prolog, Numero May 11, 2017, 2017
Navarro-Correcher, Carolina, Pérez-Cervera, Carles, Sanz-Argent, Josep, & Furió-Pruñonosa, Salvador
Pubblicato in:
TRA 2018, Numero April 16-19, 2018, 2018
TRA 2018
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