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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

ScienceCity Szczecin


ScienceCity is a project that brings together researchers from Western Pomeranian University of Technology, Pomeranian Medical University, University of Szczecin and Maritime University of Szczecin.

In order to make scientific themes interesting and accessible for the public, and to encourage public to participate in the project at the same time, we will create a virtual ScienceCity - a Map of Szczecin.
It will have visualized all recently completed (or due to be completed in 2015, finalized, mostly with a help of EU funds) key structural investments that have direct impact for improvement of citizens.

ScienceCity will provide gamers (visitors) with the modules that contain actually developed technologies that have had been (or are about to be) implemented in various industries. All Technologies mentioned in the game had been in fact developed by research and development programs co-financed by European Commission which will be an additional promotion of European Union and funding mechanisms.
ScienceCity will reveal itself in real life during the European Reserchers Night Events. Locations shown on a virtual ScicenceCity map will became open to the public and various number of interactive activities will be executed in accordance and coherence with the venue specifics

Each new technology presented in ScienceCity will be associated with an interactive expert that will explain the technology and its innovation. – a virtual avatar of a scientist who developed it. During the European Researchers' Night Events the same scientists will meet with the public in person to explain all key features of the invention, and talk about their work and achievements.

ScienceCity will allow users to create new businessbased on data previously prepared It will familiarize public with an importance of the role of the researchers work and a positive impact of their inventions and knowledge for the health of the environment and quality of citizen’s life.

Meccanismo di finanziamento

CSA - Coordination and support action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 140 000,00
70 310 Szczecin

Mostra sulla mappa

Makroregion północno-zachodni Zachodniopomorskie Miasto Szczecin
Tipo di attività
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Costo totale
€ 265 500,00