Periodic Reporting for period 3 - FESTIVAL (FEderated interoperable SmarT ICT services deVelopment And testing pLatforms)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2016-10-01 al 2017-09-30
The main objectives of the project can be summarized as follows:
• Exploit existing European and Japanese assets to enable uniformed IoT data collection and processing.
• Enable federation and interoperability of the testbeds through a common API.
• Build services and experimentation over the federated testbeds cutting across various application domains (energy, building, shopping…).
• Offer access to external experimenters in both Europe and Japan through Experimentation as a Service model.
• Evaluate the technical, economic and societal performance of the experimentations.
The overall cooperation between Europe and Japan has been excellent over the three years, leading to many exchanges of knowledge and information. Researchers on both side have learned more about existing research and resources on the other side, and real collaboration work has been produced thanks to physical meetings and regular online exchanges. We can already foresee that this project will lead to future cooperation between Europe and Japan researchers, and potentially through the EaaS model lead to common exploitation opportunities.
1) Workpackage 2 provided the base of the FESTIVAL platform and portal by the end of the 2nd year and demonstrated its functionalities on Month 26 within the Deliverable 2.5 “Integrated reusable components for EaaS – Second release”.
2) The FESTIVAL EaaS platform and experimenter portal developed in the WP2 has been exploited by the activities conducted by the Workpackage 3. About 12 internal experiments have been conducted from application domains such as smart energy management, smart shopping, smart building and smart city. The result of the work has been presented in the Deliverable 3.4 “Final Report of Selected Applications and Experiments”.
The project has organised an open call to attract external experimenters that use the platform for their experimentations. A total of about 130 experiments of different size have been created by using the platform (see The Deliverable 3.5 “Report of Results Derived from Call for Experimenters” for details).
3) In this final year, Workpackage 4 has been in charge of evaluating the quality of service provided by the platform, as well as the quality of experience perceived by the experimenters. The overall results are have been provided in detail within the Deliverable 4.4 “Final FESTIVAL performance and User Involvements report”.
4) In addition to the individual exploitation plans for the project achievements by each partner, a joint exploitation plan for the global project outcomes is also considered, in particular under a testbed oriented global smart city alliance, namely Urban Technology Alliance, with core partners coming from the FESTIVAL consortium. The project has been very active in participating in various events worldwide to disseminate its results and attract interest from different stakeholders (see Deliverable 5.7 “Final report on communication, dissemination, standardization, exploitation, and open data management”).
5) Finally, Workpackage 6 has been doing the overall coordination of, not only the technical activities of the project, but also the activities related to the dissemination, exploitation and impact monitoring. An excellent synergy has been created from the EU-Japan partners, which committed to further exploit the project results after the project end and have planned a set of activities focusing on ensuring the sustainability both of the FESTIVAL EaaS Platform within the Urban Technology Alliance and of the single exploitable items. The Deliverable 6.7 “Final impact report and future EU-Japan collaboration plan” provides the measurable indicators and their values towards the impact generated by the project.
The project has managed to integrate about 10 European and Japanese assets and 7000 open data sets. The integration has been validated by organising about 10 small and large scale trials involving several thousands of end-users. In addition to the internal experiments, the project has succeeded in attracting abut 130 external experiments running on the platform.
- Strategic impact on European and Japanese collaboration
FESTIVAL project provided a federation of more than 10 physical IoT testbeds from Europe and Japan involving various domains such as smart home, smart city, energy management, shopping and mobility for the service of academic and industrial experimenters. The partners involved in FESTIVAL project as well as external experimenters (innovator, researchers, SMEs from Europe, Japan and beyond) had access to the FESTIVAL platform via the web portal we developed, which allowed access to a large number of resources available for experimentation.
- Technological impact of the FESTIVAL results in the IoT services domain
The experimenters had access to a large number of IoT (more than 5000 devices), IT (about 100 VMs) and open data (more than 8000 data sets) resources in an interoperable way through the Experiment Portal. The project has provided compatibility with existing standards, which increased the reusability of the platform by the experimenters who are familiar with those standards.
- Economic and societal sustainable impacts of its outcomes
Large physical experimentation facilities are a key part of the project including city scale environment (Santander) as well as large buildings that attract a lot of end user traffic (Grand Front Osaka, 3 train stations in Kansai area). Various artistic events through Fresque#1 exhibition across various countries have been organised, raising awareness about privacy-related issues linked to IoT developments. FESTIVAL project developments have provided the baseline for a new large scale European project on smart living and well ageing, namely ACTIVAGE.
These elements and associated KPIs are detailed in deliverable D6.6 Final impact report and future EU-JP collaboration plan.