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Services provided by Cinema foR ImPlementing new acTion

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SCRIpT (Services provided by Cinema foR ImPlementing new acTion)

Berichtszeitraum: 2014-06-01 bis 2014-12-31

The SMEs possibility to improve their market success is strictly related to compliance with:

• innovation process, based on the following steps: conception, protecting idea, designing of the product or service model, prototyping, large scale production and commercialisation,
• innovation management, based on assessment, improvement, planning.

This holistic approach to innovation is driven both by SMEs capability to achieve new product or service and to enhance their management skills. Innovation process begins by an innovative idea, which has to be protected with the Intellectual Property Right tools, and continues with development of the product or service. The consortium service will support SMEs to approach the market by assessing the company capability to respond to a wider demand, to adapt their organization to innovation, to correctly planning all. their market possibilities spreading actions.

The beneficiaries will be identified among the SMEs proposing to the market products, services and processes embedded in the Horizon 2020 II and III Pillar, with particular reference to the areas included under the Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies – LEITs and the Societal Challenges – SCs:
In order to provide a comprehensive and thorough assessment of all key elements, as also defined in the European standardisation documents (CEN TS 16555-1, and CWA 15899), the partners agreed to make use of The IMP³rove Assessment as core tool for the diagnostic phase in both services proposed. For this purpose the partners selected high qualified personnel who will attend the IMP³rove training courses according to the IMP³rove Academy calendar and will receive certified special training and free of charge licenses to IMP3rove according to the number of service packages of this proposal.
Through this tool, partners will have access to a large innovation management benchmarking database with the aim to create the highest impact for their clients.
The main goal of the services is to improve the SMEs potential for international growth in order to fostering SMEs skills to follow innovation process, to package innovative products and to design a tailored action plan. The objective of the activity is to make the innovation system, as defined by the CEN/TS 16555-1 standard, in the company more efficient and effective. This includes the full innovation process from idea generation to market introduction and generation of economic return. The general practices and skills of the company for external cooperation for innovation are an integral part of the analysis. Based on an action plan agreed with the client, the Enterprise Europe Network shall address some or all identified bottlenecks and/or accompany and supervise the work of other public or private sector consultants addressing these bottlenecks.
The suitable recipients will be made by: the SMEs which won SME Instrument (Kam Service), the SMEs identified by consortium partners at regional level by consensus between all senior Enterprise Europe Network innovation experts nominated for these in-depth services. Enhancing innovation management capacity services shall be offered as service packages of 7 (working) days, which would normally not be offered consecutively but within a longer period of time.
The EEN senior professionals will provide a comprehensive picture of the company’s Innovation Management performance and thus also valuable information on the future competitiveness and growth potential of the company through the use of the IMP³rove Assessment tool, that means that the service is strictly linked to a successful access to IMP³rove training sessions of all the EEN partners.
Consortium partners will offer to suitable companies a service packages of 7 (working) days:
• Assess SME's suitability for the service
• Asses innovation management capacity based on performance
• Needs / gaps analysis and action plan development
• Action plan implementation SME
• Closing the case / Final report

The KAM service offered by consortium were structured as follows
 showing the innovation management performance and capabilities of the SME striving for global competitiveness as well as looking at the overall strategy of the business, its financial position and HR issues;
 providing a comparison of the SMEs innovation management capabilities on global scale (global benchmarking within its peer group);
 allowing comparability of the assessment results across Europe and across industry sectors, size and age of the applying SME;
 drafting a benchmarking report also reveals the SME’s capabilities in successfully managing radical innovation projects.
The consortium carried out an audit of the identified companies in order to develop and implement a customized action plan to improve their capacity, to manage innovation process, to cut down the lack of skills, to follow innovation changes. The main objective of the consortium action was improving the SMEs potential for international growth in order to fostering SMEs’ skills to implement innovation process, to package innovative products and to design an innovation-related business model. The mainimpact of te action was making the entrepreneurs able to transform an innovative idea in a market opportunity, reducing its time to market. in this way they will be able both to spread their market, and to introduce behaviour changes related to innovation.
The meeting between enterprise and partner's advisors