Periodic Reporting for period 2 - EURECA (Datacenter EURECA Project)
Berichtszeitraum: 2016-09-01 bis 2018-02-28
The project also produced a Directory of EU Public Sector Procurers itself (which is implemented within the DCA platform). The Directory is part of the Public Sector Special Interest Group online ‘members’ platform which is to be (further) developed and expanded under WP3. An accompanying document provides a general description of this online platform and the various activities available to the SIG members, providing a general overview of how the Directory is realized. It also provides some insights into the current plans for further development of the broader online PS SIG platform.
EURECA aims to provide dissemination and communication plan with activity guidelines for the project. The plan identifies the main public results to be disseminated throughout the project, the major stakeholders and targets groups to focus on, the available dissemination channels and instruments and the specific dissemination activities to be expected and employed by EURECA partners.
It will support the development and implementation of sustainable renewable powered data centres within the EU, and the increased skills, knowledge and awareness of public sector procurement teams in order to tackle data center energy efficiency and contribute more to EU 2020 targets.
The project also helps in building an uptake amongst public sector organisations in procurement strategies to reduce data centre energy wastage and improvements in energy efficiency, and will propose a method to measure environmental performance of data centres and the basis to consider policy measures.
More precisely, EURECA, seeking a contribution of 1.5 million Euro, aims to trigger the launch of public tenders for the purchase of sustainable energy products, buildings or services resulting in savings of more than 37,5 GWh per year of energy savings and/or renewable energy production. EURECA will improve effectiveness of EU good practice sharing policy by assisting 100 data centre facilities in becoming approved registrars of the EU Code of Conduct for Data Centres. And the DC EURECA knowledge sharing and training activities will increase the skills of at least 500 public procurers and the market uptake of innovative solutions through lead patronage of at least 50 public bodies.