Periodic Reporting for period 1 - metaC-Hfunct (CO2 as a traceless directing group for catalytic meta C-H olefinations)
Berichtszeitraum: 2015-04-01 bis 2017-03-31
Fluorinated biaryl motifs are a particularly important class within fluorinated compounds, with widespread presence in pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals. The methods currently utilized to access fluorinated arene motifs suffer from major drawbacks such as the need to use prefunctionalized molecules that either have elevated costs or require synthetic steps for their preparation and also lead to the generation of significant amounts of waste. The project we have developed allows for the use of inexpensive and readily available fluoroarenes as precursors for the synthesis of fluorinated biaryl motifs leading to greener and faster protocols towards such motifs. This project also contributes to create accelerated synthetic routes towards compounds with pharmaceutical and agrochemical interest.
We have started the dissemination of the results of this project, and we have recently published a review article in the chemistry journal Chemical Communications on the use of carboxylic acids as traceless directing groups that summarizes the background of the funded project. The results of this project will be submitted for publication in a leading scientific chemistry journal in the near future. The beneficiary has presented the results of the project at the Sheffield Hallam University where he was invited to deliver an oral communication. Prof. Igor Larrosa will present the results in conferences, talks in research and industry, as appropriate.