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Atrial Fibrillation, Fibrosis and Rotors: New Insights from Imaging and Computational Modeling

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Segmentation of cardiac structures

Autoren: Claudio Fabbri, Maddalena Valinoti, Cristiana Corsi, Martino Alessandrini
Veröffentlicht in: Cardiovascular Computing: Methodologies and Clinical Applications. Editors: Spyretta Golemati and Konstantina S. Nikita, 2018
Herausgeber: Springer Science+Business Media Singapore Private Ltd

Combined techniques of filtering and speckle tracking

Autoren: M. Alessandrini
Veröffentlicht in: Handbook of Speckle Filtering and Tracking in Cardiovascular Ultrasound Imaging and Video. Editors: Christos Loizou, Constantinos Pattichis and Jan D’hooge, 2018
Herausgeber: IET/ SciTech

Realistic Vendor Specific Sythetic Ultrasound Data for Quality Assurance of 2D Speckle Tracking Echocardiography: Simulation pipeline and Open Access Database. ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION.

Autoren: Martino Alessandrini, B. Chakraborty, B. Heyde, O. Bernard, M. De Craene, M Sermesant, J. D’hooge
Veröffentlicht in: IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control, 2018, ISSN 0885-3010
Herausgeber: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Phase Analysis of Endoatrial Electrograms for 3D Rotor Detection in Atrial Fibrillation,

Autoren: Maddalena Valinoti, Francesca Berto, Martino Alessandrini, Roberto Mantovan, Axel Loewe, Olaf Doessel, Stefano Severi, Cristiana Corsi
Veröffentlicht in: Computing in Cardiology, Rennes, FR, 2017
Herausgeber: IEEE

An automatic framework for the non-rigid alignment of electroanatomical maps and preoperative anatomical scans in atrial fibrillation

Autoren: M. Alessandrini, M. Valinoti, A. Pasini, R. Mantovan, S. Severi and C. Corsi
Veröffentlicht in: Proc. of Computing in Cardiology 2016, Vancouver, CA, 2016
Herausgeber: IEEE

Preliminary Computational Framework to Map MRI Derived Markers to Predict Response to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

Autoren: Carolina Vallecilla, Martino Alessandrini, Claudio Fabbri, Corrado Tomasi, Cristiana Corsi, Stefano Severi
Veröffentlicht in: Computing in Cardiology 2017, Rennes, FR, 2017
Herausgeber: IEEE

A Patient-Specific Computational FluidDynamics Model of the Left Atrium in AtrialFibrillation: Development and Initial Evaluation

Autoren: Masci A, Martino Alessandrini, Davide Forti, Filippo Menghini, Luca Dedé, Corrado Tommasi, Alfio Quarteroni, and Cristiana Corsi
Veröffentlicht in: Proc. of Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart (FIMH), Toronto, CA, 2017
Herausgeber: Springer International Publishing

Development of a Computational Fluid Dynamics Model of the Left Atrium in Atrial Fibrillation on a Patient Specific Basis

Autoren: Alessandro Masci, Martino Alessandrini, Luca Dedè, Davide, Forti, Filippo Menghini, Corrado Tomasi, Alfio Quarteroni, Cristiana Corsi
Veröffentlicht in: Computing in Cardiology 2017, Rennes, FR, 2017
Herausgeber: IEEE

A Computational Framework to Benchmark Basket Catheter Guided Ablation (IN PRESS)

Autoren: Martino Alessandrini, Maddalena Valinoti, Axel Loewe, Tobias Oesterlein, Olaf Doessel, Cristiana Corsi, Stefano Severi
Veröffentlicht in: Computing in Cardiology 2017, Rennes, FR, 2017
Herausgeber: IEEE

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