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High-tech commercial-off the-self electronics low-cost qualified for space

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Space-COTS (High-tech commercial-off the-self electronics low-cost qualified for space)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2015-03-01 al 2015-08-31

Through this feasibility study the company Spectrum ARC GmbH develops a business plan based on the commerziallisation of technologically promising COTS electronic parts from many suppliers at low prices, then preform in-house testing under harsh-environmental conditions (ESA/NASA based test standards) and bring them to the High-Rel electronic market at reasonable prices.
The present feasibility study shows not only the market potential and maturity of the innovation idea but also provides specific numbers and facts for a realistic and profitable business estimating the risk involved. A key number is the demand of electronic components in the space field sorted by groups and quantities, which is a crucial mile stone done in the feasibility study considering that there are several millions of COTS components the results show a manageable volume of relevant and preferred electronic parts (approx. 3 000 components distributed in 25 different groups). This information is a valuable data base and the basis to focus the business of the SpaceCOTS store-house.
Information sources:
The space market involves mainly space agencies, companies (space parts manufacturers), satellite missions and research projects (papers, presentations, etc.). All these sources were considered and are present in this study:
• Preferred Component List (PCL) – ESCIES3
• ESA Radiation Reports – ESCIES
• Declared Component List (DCL) – ESA
• German Space Agency (DLR)
• CubeSat Missions
• CubeSat Module Providers
• Minimal component list Study (In-house study)
• Manufacturer of Hi-Rel parts
• IC Manufacturers
• Market analysis (Futron, SpaceWorks, etc.)
• Others (Companies like Airbus D&S, Phytec, Kodak, Bosch, etc.)
• Internet research

Information about the popularity of components which show the demand of each component group is a central input in the product analysis and selection:

One of the most important market is the growing market of the small satellites. Such projects are forced to reduce costs and be independent of expensive restricted ITAR devices. Qualified COTS, i.e. SpaceCOTS can contribute with the development of this market. The estimated size of the small satellite market in the next years until 2020 is around 3 000 satellites.
The feasibility study shows positive but also negative business aspects. Both help to define the exact business strategy. The positive aspects provide strong arguments for the business development. The negative aspects show the points to be improved soon and let us dismiss business options.
The most relevant positive aspects which confirm the viability of the business idea are:
1. The space component market is well known.
2. The demand of electronic parts are defined.
3. Spectrum ARC knows the parts with major demand and will acquire this kind of parts.
4. With high demand products Spectrum ARC has a good chance to sell the products in a short time.
5. A more selected list of IC manufacturers are available.
6. The negotiation with the IC manufacturer will be easier and concrete.
7. Also a concrete list of components to be purchase from the IC brokers exists.
8. The business plan has the now more accurate information and it’s so more attractive for investors.
9. The investment will be more effective.
10. With the won information Spectrum ARC began to prepare the proposal for the SME Instrument Phase 2 based on the updated business plan.
11. The viability of the SpaceCOTS project was confirm with real data.
12. A database was created and is a valuable tool for the SpaceCOTS business. Spectrum ARC maintains this database and updates it permanently. As unique tool it gives a great advantage over the competitors.