CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

WINdow based on THERmally modified wood with high performance WAX coating

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - WINTHERWAX (WINdow based on THERmally modified wood with high performance WAX coating)

Berichtszeitraum: 2016-02-01 bis 2016-12-31

WINTHERWAX project was dedicated to the development and market introduction of high efficient timber window made of thermally modified spruce coated with naturally based wax. High energy efficiency and natural origin of basic materials contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions whereas the selection of innovative, natural and European materials is raising the potential for European economy. WINTHERWAX window as well as façade elements were extensively tested in different natural environments and artificial extreme climatic conditions. With gained results WINTHERWAX products can be properly used all around the world in future.
In the first period of WINTHERWAX project there was a lot of technical work performed to prepare everything for successful implementation of tests. 5 test cubes with installed 3 windows, 1 door and more than 300 façade elements were developed, produced and sent to final locations in Slovenia, Germany, Sweden and Spain. Prototype chamber for accelerated ageing tests was developed and built to simulate the lifetime of exposed windows and façade elements of several years. Almost nine thousand specimens were additionally prepared for tests in controlled conditions to analyse correlations between results of laboratory and field tests. Results of several different tests showed that WINTHERWAX material exhibits 9-times longer life time compared to normal spruce and carbon footprint of WINTHERWAX windows is 20 % lower compared to the same window coated with synthetic coating. Beside extensive technical work there was a lot of dissemination and communication activities performed. WINTHERWAX project and products were presented at 13 international fairs, 32 conferences and public events, in 13 scientific papers, 21 other articles, 6 interviews and received 6 awards. 2 trademarks were additionally registered namely WINTHERWAX® (windows made of Silvapro® thermally modified spruce coated with Silvacera® wax) and Silvacera® (naturally based wax). Plan for even more extensive dissemination to implement WINTHERWAX products on the market after the end of the project was also made.
WINTHERWAX® windows and Silvapro® thermally modified wood and Silvacera® wax separately were successfully implemented on the market immediately after the end of the project. Production of products was developed and prepared for massive production. Each separate material as well as WINTHERWAX® windows will promote the use of naturally based materials, high energy efficient and top quality timber windows and use of European wood species. This will have an impact on European economy and way of thinking as well as on environmental awareness of people.
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