CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.
I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .
Risultati finali
WP5-2 Active marketing (M12): Active marketing strategy plan is in progress, and follow-up market survey ready to be written.
Codes and StandardsWP4-3 Codes and standards (M18): Codes and standards identified and applied on design and matrix.
3 sold projectsWP6-1 3 sold projects (M6): 3 projects are sold and planned for placement.
Product approvalsWP4-4b Product approvals (M24): EU product approvals gained.
WP2-2 10 units delivered (M12): Production and placement of 10 units.
DemonstratorWP1-1 Deliver Demonstrator (M6): Placement, opening, and first operational validations with public data access according to Data Management Plan.
25 units deliveredWP2-4 25 units delivered (M24): 25 units are placed and operational. Experiences and survey results are implemented in the mass production development.
7 sold projectsWP6-2 7 sold projects (M12): 7 projects are sold and planned for placement.
MouldsWP3-4 Moulds (M21): Molds fabricated and in use.
WP5-4 Execute EU marketing strategy (M24): Passive and active marketing strategy have created a solid ground of product and brand awareness to have effect on large sales growth to start from Month 24.
Passive marketingWP5-1 Passive marketing (M6): Continuous updates on website, media and social media, and collected on the website in a media gallery. The market and technology watch notify any relevant changes.
B Patankar, R Tyagi, D Kiss, A B Suma
Pubblicato in:
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Numero Volume 753, I. New concepts and configurations, 2016, Pagina/e 102007, ISSN 1742-6588
Institute of Physics
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