Risultati finali
Tendering documents, including standards and necessary supporting documentation for the investigated critical EISCAT_3D components.
Second report on industry contractsSecond report on progress of contracts with industry.
Technical report on approaches for sub-array beamformerTechnical report on the assessment of the possible approaches and a description of the preferred solution. Note that this is input to the sub-array beam-former R&D in WP4.
Test plan for the Test SubarrayTest plan for the Test Subarray, to be used in Work Package 6.
Software interface control documentsSoftware interface control documents describing the detailed input and output protocols for the radar controller, exciter, and sub-array beam-former.
Test Subarray testing reportA thorough report of the testing results and any necessary problem mitigation actions.
First report on industry contractsFirst report on progress of contracts with industry.
First version of the data management plan (pilot)First version of the data management plan (pilot).
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