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Periodic Reporting for period 1 - TEMPERATE CO2 (TEMPERATE WELDING)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2015-05-01 al 2015-10-31

Objectives of TEMPERATE WELDING: To develop a complete, highly efficient MIG-MAG welding equipment (600 A, 30 kW) with unity duty cycle factor, entirely designed to fulfill the needs in the automotive, naval and metalmechanical sectors. Additionally it offers considerable advantages in automated applications. A ground-breaking power supply technology developed by DEGIMA in collaboration with the Universidad de Cantabria will be at the foundation of this new equipment.
DEGIMA has developed and patented a new technology on welding equipment that significantly reduces power use and CO2 emissions, keeps heat input to the workpieces to a minimum, provides full control of the welding parameters and avoids sparking and projections producing a weld line that is completely steady. This results in a faster welding process that yields a longer weld per unit of time and per volt-ampere used.
The adventages of this technology are the next:
• smaller weight and volume.
• unity duty cycle factor.
• More efficient, allowing greater productivity.
• Increased stability of arc welding.
• Lower consumption of volti-amps.
• Improved control of heat supplied to the workpiece.
• Better performance in energy conversion.
• Very good characteristics for robotics.
The project is developed in collaboration with GALA GAR, who is one of two manufacturers of welding equipment that remain in Spain that also has an extensive international distribution network, which will allow the industrialization and commercialization of new equipment to a competitive cost.
The equipments to be sold may be used in manual and robotic applications, will have monitoring systems in real time to optimize its performance and prevent the occurrence of faults.
With this project, DEGIMA can deepen his strategic positioning as a company linked to environmental improvement and the fight against climate change, because on the one hand its main objective is the development of renewable marine energy, and the other has the patent resulting in this new welding technology that aims at saving energy and decreasing CO2 emissions. It also wants to use this technology in the development of welding procedures of Wave Energy Converters, which are key for the development of renewable marine energy.
Task 1: Conduct market research through the EU metal-mechanical sector (50 companies).
Task 2: Define the innovation plan.

Task 3: Define the industrialization plan including an economic evaluation of costs.

Task 4: Establish a benchmark referring to the most advanced equipment offered by the leading companies

Task 5: Define a business plan considering the estimated cost of components, production and commercialization.

Task 6: Conduct personal interviews with 4 technology centers and 4 large automation engineering.

Task 7: Feasibility study


A complete business plan based on market research, with the definition of the innovation plan to design the new product, the industrialization plan to manufacture it, with a full analysis of costs and revenues, identification of risks and definition of the team of professionals responsible for achieving the targets. With a detailed and feasible timeline including milestones
This Technology let us to develop a complete new product “multi-process 600 A arc-welding machine GMAW” with attuned resonant converter as power source capable of generating pulsating modes configurable at 1Hz frequency and width of pulse, based on Degima´s patent.
This Technology has the next innovative characteristics:
• A smaller arc welding machine, lightweight and efficient, requiring lesser use of volt-amperes than the rest on the market.
• An arc welding machine admitting experimental, energy saving welding processes and techniques. Offering possibilities to modify the composition of the gas atmosphere in which the arc deploys, resulting in CO2 percentage reductions.
• An arc welding machine fit for developing studies on the optimization of the GMAW welding process in order to obtain an improved compromise between quality and productivity.
• Advanced design of the magnetic components of the power converters offering a wide range of applications, making the power source unit more efficient.
• Application of Wide Bandgap technology on welding equipment power devices.
• By upgrading to this new welding equipment, companies from the naval, car manufacturing and metal-mechanic sectors will improve competitiveness with respect to their efficiency and productivity as well as through their reduced requirements of
• energy and consequent reduction of CO2 emissions.
This product will be industrialized with the help of Gala Gar as Partner with the goal to sell more than 4000 Unit per year, and generate a business more than 35 M€ in 2023, with a profit about 7 M€. This business plan will generate 225 Jobs among Gala Gar and Degima.
This contribute to reduce the CO2 emissions, as well as better competitiveness of the industries who buy and use these equipment.