The design suite to be developed includes a complete sequence of design tools using parallel architectures:
pre-processing phase: grid partitioning, mesh refinement, mesh deformation, and interpolation from one mesh onto another for unstructured meshes
processing phase: computational fluid dynamics code for compressible flows with two-phase evaporating droplets, and combustion in the chamber with opening and closing valves and moving piston
processing phase: computational fluid dynamics code for thermomechanical deformation of incompressible viscous creeping flow of liquid glass with unilateral contact
post-processing phase: visualisation on a graphical display linked with the parallel machine of distributed data.
Two application demonstrations featuring complex engineering problems have been selected: the design of the internal combustion chamber of reciprocating engines and the production of non-spherical optical lenses.
Parallelisation concepts used include: domain decomposition method, communication library 3P PARLIB and PVM. The parallel machines used are of the distributed memory type : T800 and T9000 transputer based machine from GPMIMD, CS-2 from GPMIMD II, a network of SUN workstations, a network of RS6000 workstations, nCUBE/2.
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