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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Creating high impact for CAPS

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ChiC (Creating high impact for CAPS)

Berichtszeitraum: 2017-06-01 bis 2019-01-31

The issues being addressed within the CAPS (Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and social innovation) initiative, which ChiC provided coordination and support to, are some of society’s biggest challenges: environmental preservation, reducing inequalities, fostering inclusion, putting in place sustainable economic models and what can be used to help people, to solve these or related problems of direct interest to them. In order to help people make the most of this opportunity, a move needs to be made away from the current centralization of power by a small number of large tech companies and enable a much broader group of people and organisations to develop and share innovative digital solutions. Across Europe, a growing movement of people and organisations are exploring opportunities within the CAPS and the Digital Social Innovation (DSI) context, developing bottom-up solutions leveraging on participation, collaboration, decentralization, openness, multi-disciplinarity.

The importance of CAPS driven efforts to the society is seen in how social innovation processes can be used to contribute to the most important challenges that Europe is facing today by reinventing public services, often providing lower-cost models of addressing social needs, by supporting communities and how people live and collaborate together and by promoting business in ways that are better aligned with human needs. At the core, is how to put technologies at the service of social good and the human at the centre of Internet of the future.

The overall objectives of the ChiC project are to support the various CAPS projects and ensure that the programme as a whole can grow as a unique and disruptive initiative. ChiC activities were geared both at promoting the outcomes and work of the project itself, but also at assisting and coordinating the efforts at the CAPS community level. In addition, another core objective was to prove support within the broader DSI context and embracing the Next Generation Internet (NGI) initiative.
"The ChiC project in Y1 has resulted in: targeted community building and stakeholders’ engagement activities, such as one-to-one interviews with all ongoing projects, the organization of the 1st edition of the DSI Fair (Rome, February 2017), 2 CAPSSI Community Workshops (Bratislava, September 2016 and Volos, July 2017), 1 dedicated policy workshop of which the outcome is the DSI Manifesto (Rimini, May 2016), the contribution and participation in 13 external events, an intense and continuous communication and promotional set of activities, including animation of the CAPS Twitter channel (@CAPSSI4EU), the creation and management of the CAPS portal ( the creation of the CAPSSI Community platform, the publication of 3 CAPSSI Bytes newsletters and multiple dissemination outreaches as viewed through press releases, social media activities, radio and TV interviews, the collection of best practices and outputs document.

The ChiC project in the 2nd Reporting Period has resulted in: a reinforcement of the community building, networking opportunities within and outside the CAPS players, the organization of the 2nd edition of the DSI Fair (Rome, June 2018), 2 Community Workshops (Brussels, Feb 2018 and Volos, July 2018), 1 dedicated workshop (Brussels, Febr 2018), 2 Accelerator booths, the contribution and participation in 14 external events and a continuous effort to raise the CAPS awareness beyond the usual suspects. We promoted, coordinated and echoed the participation of several projects to the Web Summit (Lisbon, Nov 2018) which provided a massive exposure and the opportunity to liaise with potential investors and international policy makers. We involved the CAPS community in the NGI initiative (through the participation to the NGI Forum 2018 and to the co-hosted network panel organized at the ICT Days in Vienna, December 2018). Furthermore, we edited the ""Connected Technologies for Social Good"" magazine which was distributed at major events and uploaded on the CAPS portal. We have engaged all the projects in developing a new CAPS portal area ""CAPS resources"" which works as an intelligent, user friendly and always accessible repository of the CAPS technological and non-technological outputs. We drafted a roadmap and a whitepaper outlining opportunities, challenges and recommendations for the future of the knowledge, experience and solutions created thanks to the CAPS collaborative work.

"The expected impact of the CAPS/DSI initiative is to become a societal force for change and disruption in which great opportunities and ideas for social development. A set of policy making guidelines such as the DSI Manifesto, which covers financial support, promotion of pilots, the development of digital skills and multi-disciplinarity, democracy and decentralisation models, and openess of data and digital platforms is being presented to policy makers to drive the development of the European Digital Single Market to fulfill first and foremost societal and sustainability challenges (rather than short-lived economic interests), with the help and engagement of all citizens.

In terms of socio-economic impact, there are many initiatives and success stories in areas of the environment, technology, mobility, agriculture, food, gamification, economy etc., in which communities have benefited from ideas from one of the many CAPS/DSI initiatives. This has in turn created a sustainable development for the entire society involving citizen engagement.

Progress beyond the state of the art, is seen in one of the main ideas at the foundation of ChiC and that the current transition towards the NGI initiative should be turned into a concrete opportunity for all CAPS/DSI players. To build an Internet of the future centred on humans and reflecting the European social and ethical values of freedom, openness and interoperability, CAPS or CAPS-like efforts must be put at the foundation of it. This shall empower CAPS value creation for durable stakeholder engagement increasing the impact of DSI-focused efforts within H2020 and beyond until 2025, and strengthen liaisons to related EC initiatives, as well as selected national and international activities.

By the end of its lifetime, ChiC project concretely contributed to create and nurture a CAPS community, sustaining intra-projects communication, synergies, co-organization of events and future collaborations. It also provided an online space the ""CAPS resources area"" on the CAPS portal where the major technological and non-technological outputs of each project have been published and organized, for their dissemination, re-use and future potential reference to communities, researchers and citizens at large. It drafter a “Digital Transformation for a better society - roadmap and policy recommendations” which outlines how the CAPS experiences, knowledge and results can further progress and ensure sustainability in the DSI ecosystem and within the NGI initiative. Last but not least, it effectively supported the awareness of the CAPS projects efforts across Europe and beyond, involving in the dialogue a wide range of high profile policy makers, SMEs, NGOs, communities, local municipalities, universities and research centers, through the DSI Fairs and the online and offline communication efforts.
