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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Open Participatory Engagement in Collective Awareness for REdesign of Care Services

CORDIS bietet Links zu öffentlichen Ergebnissen und Veröffentlichungen von HORIZONT-Projekten.

Links zu Ergebnissen und Veröffentlichungen von RP7-Projekten sowie Links zu einigen Typen spezifischer Ergebnisse wie Datensätzen und Software werden dynamisch von OpenAIRE abgerufen.


Final ethics report

Report on ethics issues and recommendation made by Ethics Advisors covering the whole duration of the project.

Final report

"Consolidate all relevant financial documents, as well as scientific material gathered from periodic reports #1 and #2 in view of the final review of project."

Ethics interim evaluation and guidance report

Report on ethics issues and recommendation made by Ethics Advisors pertaining to the first half of the project.

Co-designing care services: a practical guide

Produce a rich-media, interactive instructable to introduce collaborative design practices to the community, and offer a practical guide for co-designing care services.

Ethnographic report

Research report outlining participants’ views on key topics and the contexts in which these were discussed.

Research paper. Accountability and ownership in community-led welfare innovation: its potential role in EU policies

Manuscripts (prepared for publication) reporting findings on the accountability and ownership policies in citizen cyberscience carry through to community-driven innovation in the welfare sector, based on ethnographic techniques.

White papers: user tasks and requirements; data abstractions and operations requirements

White papers: domain questions and user tasks and requirements, and on data abstractions and operations requirements (month 12).

Research paper. Integrating community-driven care services in European welfare states

Manuscripts (prepared for publication) reporting on analysis of survey data and additional interviews.

Review of the literature of collective intelligence in care policies

Report on review of previous research on collective intelligence, community-based projects, pseudomarket coordination and prediction markets.

Deep games agendas and intended audiences

Design agenda and audience for deep games focusing on groups of around 10 participants exposed to scenario simulations, role-playing games, and descriptions of provoking narratives about community-provided care.

Peer-auditing of the project, and indication on how to work-around failures and pitfalls

Run an iterative, post-validation process of the project based on peer-auditing, in order to identify failures and pitfalls and indicate potential work-arounds. (Delivery dates: month 10, month 20.)

Hackathon documentation

Documentation for multidisciplinary, open to the public, hackathons. Prepared ahead of time documentation, as well as follow-up documentation to optimize and support collective engagement and common vision of the community’s activity. (Delivery dates: 1st edition month 3, 2nd edition month 9.)

Research paper: Integrating community-driven care services in European welfare states.

Manuscripts (prepared for publication) reporting on integrating community-driven care services in European welfare states.

Open call text

Edit and broadcast a call for an open competition gathering a small number of ideas and grassroots socially innovative initiatives around care

"Periodic report #2"

Assemble all relevant financial documents, as well as scientific material pertaining to the second half of the project, in view of the final review of project.

Community-driven care: a draft

"A draft explicit social contract for community-driven care services design, aimed at removing exploitation from the participatory design picture. This is done by styling the community as a collective author and researcher, rather than a ""rightless volunteer"", like in most crowdsourcing exercises."

Draft report on engaging open networks in meaningful online conversations

Draft report on engaging open networks in meaningful online conversations.

Final report on engaging open networks in meaningful online conversations

Final report on engaging open networks in meaningful online conversations.

Research paper: Using collective intelligence to improve care - an empirical study on best practice in the care sector

Manuscripts (prepared for publication) reporting on using collective intelligence to improve care - an empirical study on best practice in the care sector.

Deep games documentation

Edit all relevant documentation for deep games.

"Periodic report #1"

Assemble all relevant financial documents, as well as scientific material pertaining to the first half of the project, in view of the mid-term review of project.

Hackathon material, workshop venue and workshop post-proceedings

Documentation for multidisciplinary, open to the public, hackathons. Prepared ahead of time documentation, as well as follow-up documentation to optimize and support collective engagement and common vision of the community’s activity. (Delivery dates: 1st edition around month 4, 2nd edition before month 12.)

Documentation from final international event

Manage preparation of and run OpenCare final event, to showcase collaborative work in building and testing open tools for care. This deliverable includes session summaries and novel insights generated during the conference, media clippings, social media analytics report.

Implementation and integration of SSNA software prototypes into a dashboard environment, incorporating the research on semantic networks

Implementation and integration of SSNA software prototypes into a dashboard environment, incorporating the research on semantic networks (month 20).

Implementation and integration of the semi-automated aid to ethnographic coding prototype into the OpenCare platform

Implementation and integration of the semi-automated aid to ethnographic coding prototype into the OpenCare platform (month 15).

20 high-quality posts

Procure 20 high quality blog posts to be posted on the OpenCare online space to kickstart the conversation and set the tone for constructive discussions. Make it possible for valuable points to be re-launched or subjected to further examination by a growing number of people.

Deployed, tested OpenCare online space on the production server

Deploy an OpenCare online space on the production server. Re-use an existing online space where a conversation on care has started already: (

Collection of textual and visual documentation from onboarding workshops

Archive all relevant material used and/or produced during onboarding workshops. This deliverables includes a methodological note on facilitation and offline engagement, as well as follow up materials like media articles and testimonials.

Toolbox for developing networkbased software for collective intelligence

The toolbox: a review of key literature, algorithms and visualization/interaction techniques judged to be most useful in developing the software tools. Deeply grounded in observation of how non-technical users interact with network representations of online conversations (month 12).

“Consent funnel”

A step-by-step process to sign up as a respondent in Opencare. At each step, the respondent is advised (in plain language, with examples) of how the information she shares will be processed and stored, and requested to sign off.

Full documentation of all prototypes

Report on all activities related to the actual prototyping: implementation, debugging and evaluations, usability testing, executive design review and redesign involving the community. Includes full documentation of prototypes: source files, auxiliary design files, bills of materials and suppliers, software and firmware, multimedia (photos and videos), instructions and explanations.


Semantic social networks: a new approach to scaling digital ethnography

Autoren: Cottica, Alberto; Hassoun, Amelia; Vallet, Jason; Melançon, Guy
Veröffentlicht in: INSCI 2017: Internet Science, Ausgabe 3, 2017, Seite(n) 412-420
Herausgeber: Springer, Cham
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.832464

Online community management as social network design: testing for the signature of management activities in online communities

Autoren: Alberto Cottica, Guy Melançon, Benjamin Renoust
Veröffentlicht in: Applied Network Science, Ausgabe 2/1, 2017, Seite(n) Springer International Publishing, ISSN 2364-8228
Herausgeber: Springer International Publishing
DOI: 10.1007/s41109-017-0049-9

Community driven care. A draft social contract

Autoren: Liebart, Deborah; Manca, Mara; Wong, Susana; Abdallah, Ali; Manca, Marco
Veröffentlicht in: Ausgabe 1, 2017
Herausgeber: Scimpulse Foundation
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1161690

Care,Commons and Entrepreneurship

Autoren: Tino Sanandajib, Erik Lakomaa
Veröffentlicht in: 2016
Herausgeber: Stockholm School of Economics
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22643.12321

Testing for the signature of policy in online communities

Autoren: Renoust, Benjamin; Cottica, Alberto; Melançon, Guy
Veröffentlicht in: Complex Networks & Their Applications V, volume 693 of Studies in Computational Intelligence, 2016, Seite(n) 41-54, ISBN 978-3-319-50900-6
Herausgeber: Springer
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-50901-3_4

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