CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

European Programme for Accelerating the Take up of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans


Glossy brochure on 5 Case studies of SUMP development and impacts

Policy recommendations and case studies on effective (and less effective) ways to address SUMP take-up needs will be formulated based on the results and taking the outcomes of both tasks into account.

IPP Terms of reference

POLIS will develop the IPP concept and the respective support and technical assistance possibilities in cooperation with WP1 (Identifying the needs of take-up cities); WP2 (Planning-process support); WP3 (Measure support); and WP5 (national take-up), resulting in the IPP‘s detailed Terms of Reference (ToR). These will include detailed objectives; different support formats and concepts; methodologies; timeline; evaluation; and subcontractors selection procedure (including the role of the Agency or EC in confirming each IPP call’s confirmed subcontractors); financing; promotion; and reporting and quality management assurance procedures.

3 Curricula for the ULA (one per call)

Three comprehensive quality learning programmes that will be put into practice in the ULA's.

Interim result report of the project level SUMP monitoring and impact evaluation

This deliverable will formulate key performance indicators on WP level and activity level.

IPP Documentation

Development of policy documents and strategies that are linked to aspects of establishing and implementing SUMPs and can be used as pilot case-studies in SUMPs-UP.

"Report ""Standards for SUMP Action Plans"""

Guidance material for cities on SUMP Action Plan development, including templates, links to quality examples and tools.

Call documents

Call documents (ToR, Frequently Asked Questions) will be made available on the day the call opens, together with an online application form, to enable a smooth application process. A helpdesk to create a direct connection to the IPP management will be established by the task leader. This form will be accessible through the Eltis and SUMPs-Up website. The IPP will allow applications of individual and joint subcontractors.

User needs analysis on take up report including city profile matrix

The survey results collected under task 1.1 will be processed, analysed and documented in this report.

SUMPs Status Report

The report will be updated together with the first outcomes of the monitoring work of WP7 and the outcomes of the second focus group.

SUMP Innovation descriptions

The SUMPs Innovation descriptions will outline the tests and approaches to be carried out within SUMPs Up.

Publications schedule

This task will create a publications schedule outlining what (e.g. reports, fact-sheets) is to be produced and when, including detailed information on format and layout.

Factsheets on innovative measures

Factsheets on potential innovations.

3 ULA reports

The learning concept will be developed based on the outcomes of WP1 and in synthesis with the different ULA learning formats and thematic focus.

SUMP Innovation Factsheets

Development of SUMP Innovation Factsheets.

Manuals (3x) on the integration of measures and measure packages in SUMPs

Multi-criteria matrix of measures presenting their relevance to SUMPs.

3 SUMP Guidelines

Development of 3 SUMP Guidelines

SUMP in Member States report

Executive summary report clustering the different national policies in Member states.

Policy recommendations and project level take-up monitoring and evaluation report

A joint WP 1/7/9 interim results report will be prepared, including and assessment of the project's visibility and its influence on take-up`among the wider target group of the project.

Report on Suitability Check of SUMP Tools

All review results of assessment of tools will be summarised in a SUMP Tool Suitability Check Report

Policy recommendations for at least 3 identified countries

A series of national workshops will take place in at least three countries with the objectives of raising awareness on the need for a national framework, identifying organizations that can successfully influence the establishment of NF, disseminate guidance and tools and give specific recommendations to each country

Learning concept for mobility experts

Reviewed SUMP tools and methods will be promoted and disseminated to a wide audience among mobility experts in Europe.

Support document for translating and adapting the SUMP Self-Assessment Scheme to the national context

The findings of these workshops will contribute to the policy recommendations and project level take-up, monitoring and evaluation report.

"City level monitoring and impact evaluation report: ""Influences of SUMP on mobility planning in cities"""

Synthesis and analysis of the monitoring and evaluation outcomes

Update of online SUMP Guidelines

Comprehensive update of the content of online publications to keep transport planners and decision-makers up-to-date on SUMP trends, approaches and practices.

SUMP policy paper for national decision-makers

Policy paper on how to improve national framework conditions for national decision-makers will be developed.

Communications materials

This task will produce traditional communication materials such as leaflets, postcards and banners/roll-ups which will be developed as part of the overall visual identity.

SUMPs in Action – IPP results brochure

WP6 will summarise lessons learned in the IPP final brochure, produced at the end of the project, which will link the initial user needs to the IPP outputs.

Exploitation Strategy

An exploitation strategy will set out how awareness and promotion of the adoption of the SUMPs-Up products will take place beyond the lifetime of the project.

Innovative financing alternatives and procurement procedures for SUMP measures

Supporting material on financing alternatives and procurement procedures, and recommendations of when and how to use them.

Interim result report of the city level SUMP monitoring and impact evaluation

This task will develop one monitoring and evaluation framework that will be applied to all 100 AF cities, except cities receiving funding under the ongoing support mechanism called micro-funding, where individuals can ask primarily for travel support.

Onlien learning resources

Moodle online learning platform will be developed in the SUMPs-Up website with resources such as webinars and self-study courses.

Online Tools Inventory

In this deliverable a SUMP Tool Inventory will be created for the SUMPs-Up website, where cities, based on their SUMP needs and barriers, can receive tailored bundles of tools.

Online Tool Registry

Once the SUMP Tool Inventory is completed, SUMPs-Up will offer a technical and functional document to Eltis that will allow to host the Inventory - enabling the Inventory to have a permanent home beyond the life of the project.

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