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Risultati finali
This report outlines activities and results achieved via Help desk support tools, including engagement with communities, for the 3rd and final year.
Second Market watch, best practice report, SDOs update & voice of the usersThis report outlines activities and results achieved via Help desk support tools, including engagement with communities, and the 3rd year plan to manage and analyse information gathered from the Help desk support tools.
Impact assessment reportThis comprehensive report provides a statistical analysis of the platform usage and type of questions, includes community challenges to adopt best practices and an estimation of the potential benefits of the platform for the ICT sector at EU level.
Dissemination, communication and marketing strategy and planThis plan outlines dissemination, communication and marketing strategy and activities to be pursued to guarantee broad visibility and promotion and contribute to end-user engagement and Project impact.
Policy Action Plan & sustainability roadmapThis report provides an overview of the activities, the results achieved thanks to incentive mechanisms and through the B2B marketplace. The document will also provide recommendations and a roadmap for the next 5 years.
Third annual report on ICTFOOTPRINT communication & outreach activitiesThis deliverable will document promotional activities and objectives achieved by ICTFOOTPRINT at the end of year 3. A quantification of the reach and impact achieved by WP4 activities at the end of the project will be detailed.
Second annual report on ICTFOOTPRINT communication & outreach activitiesThis deliverable will document promotional activities and objectives achieved by ICTFOOTPRINT at the end of year 2. Updates to the strategy and plan will be included in this deliverable, as well as quantification of reach and impact achieved by WP4 activities at the end of period 2.
Results of the interpretation and selection of the methodologiesThis deliverable summarizes the process of the interpretation and selection of the methodologies.
Stakeholders Engagement planThis plan outlines stakeholder groups and targeted engagement activities. Monitoring and outcomes of engagement activities performed in T3.1 will be documented in deliverables D4.2, D4.3, and D4.4 periodic report on marketing and communication activities.
First annual report on ICTFOOTPRINT communication & outreach activitiesThis deliverable will document the promotional activities of the project and to what extent ICTFOOTPRINT has achieved its objectives by the end of period 1.
Recommendations and uptake by SMEsThis document provides a clear and synthetic view on the existing methodologies, standards and on the new/current developments. This first version will include SME barriers to adopt footprint methodologies.
First Market watch, best practice report, SDOs update & voice of the usersThis document outlines activities and results achieved via Help desk support tools, including engagement with communities, and the 2nd year plan to manage and analyse information gathered from the Help desk support tools.
Laura BARACCHI, Claudio CASANOVI, Paolo LOMBARDI, Silvana MUSCELLA, Alessandro PETROCELLI [Trust-IT Services], Frédéric CROISSON [Deloitte Sustainability].
Pubblicato in:
International Journal of Contemporary ENERGY, 2017
7th International Conference & Workshop REMOO-2017 “ENERGY FOR TOMORROW” 10–12 May 2017, VENICE / ITALY – Id. Number: 09.143
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