CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Smart and Inclusive Solutions for a Better Life in Urban Districts


Innovative Lösungen für intelligente städtische Räume

Intelligente Technologien können wirksame Lösungen zur Verbesserung des Lebens in städtischen Räumen in Europa und Asien bieten. Ziel des EU-finanzierten Projekts SMARTER TOGETHER ist es, verschiedene Städte und Partner miteinander zu verbinden, um innovative Lösungen für ein nachhaltiges und integratives Leben in Stadtgebieten zu erforschen. An dem Projekt sind die europäischen Leuchtturmstädte Lyon, München und Wien, die weiteren Städte Santiago de Compostela, Sofia und Venedig sowie als Beobachterstädte Kiew und Yokohama beteiligt. Außerdem sind Geschäftspartner aus den Bereichen Energie, Mobilität und IKT sowie Forschungseinrichtungen, Hochschulen und das europäische Städtenetz involviert. Ziel ist die Schaffung von fünf Clustern mit gemeinsam erarbeiteten und integrierten Lösungen, darunter Reallabore für Bürgerbeteiligung, Fernwärme und erneuerbare Energiequellen für Niedrigenergiestadtteile sowie Elektromobilitätslösungen.


SMARTER TOGETHER’s overarching vision is to find the right balance between smart technologies and organizational/ governance dimensions in order to deliver smart and inclusive solutions and to improve citizen’s quality of life.
SMARTER TOGETHER gather the European Lighthouse cities Lyon, Munich, Vienna, the Follower cities Santiago de Compostela, Sofia, Venice and Kyiv and Yokohama as observer cities bringing the perspective of East Europe and Asia. The cities are complemented by business partners from energy, mobility and ICT sectors, leading European research and academia organizations, european city network. From the various combinations of the different selected Light House areas, multiples opportunities to learn are offering.
SMARTER TOGETHER delivers 5 clusters of co-created, smart and integrated solutions: (1) Living labs for citizen engagement, (2) District heating and RES for low energy districts, (3) Holistic refurbishment for low energy districts addressing public and private housing, (4) Smart Data management platform and smart services (5) E-mobility solutions for sustainable mobility.
Expected results are: 1) >151,800 m2 of refurbished buildings, primarily housing estate with a 50-60 % average energy and CO2 reduction; 2) 14.6 MW of newly installed renewable capacity; 3) 10/15new e-mobility solutions for passengers and freight); 4) 1400 created jobs, 130 M€ investments, all deployed with support of integrated ICT solutions and in dialogue with the inhabitants.

Large-scale replication will be prepared; 1) in the Lighthouse cities; 2) the Follower cities, which already selected their target area; 3) A Club of 15-20 cities, associate to intensify its roll-out, ensuring a broad geographical and climate coverage. Commercial exploitation is enhanced by the development of new business models for widespread use by the stakeholders. Contributions to open data are expected to create business opportunities as well as inputs to standardization work.

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IA - Innovation action


€ 3 229 146,24
69003 Lyon

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Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Rhône-Alpes Rhône
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
€ 4 613 066,06

Beteiligte (53)