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Mid-term version of the report summarising the promotional activities conducted in the project as well as the thematic workshops, eConferences and networking events that take place.
Executive Summary of the Project's final reportAn executive summary of the project's final report designed for public consumption and highlighting the results of the work done, the guides to good dissemination produced and the tolls and services available for existing and future projects as a result of this work.
Report on dissemination and communication of projects - mid-term versionMid-term version of a report outlining good research dissemination and communication practice based on work carried out in collaboration with ongoing projects and the development of best-practice guides.
Report on promotional activities, thematic workshops and e-conference, networking events - final versionFInal version of the report summarising the promotional activities conducted in the project as well as the thematic workshops, eConferences and networking events that take place.
Final reportA final progress report providing an overview of the project results and their exploitation and dissemination, the conclusions on the project and the socio-economic impact of the action.
Guidelines for good dissemination and valorisation strategies and practicesThis will include two guides outlining good communications practice for targeting the general public, policy makers, academia and the media and good dissemination and exploitation practices designed for EU-funded projects in order to maximise the impact of research outcomes. These guides will be publically available on the project website.
Plan for creation of sustainable, multi-disciplinary communityA report will be published outlining the plan for creating a multi-disciplinary community that will be sustainable.
Set up and operation of the Advisory BoardOverview of the objectives and operational procedures of the Advisory Board, including information of its members and their expected contribution.
Societal Impact of inclusive, innovative and reflective societies. Criteria and Best CasesA report will be published on the impact inclusive, innovative and reflective societies are having on society, detailing criteria and best cases
Report on networking and transversal community building - mid-term versionA report about the transactional communication model that the project will develop to foster bi-directional inclusive communication among actors in the innovation cycle. Through dialogue and communication and using the virtual platform deployed by DANDELION, the report will reflect the transversal community building among various inclusive, innovative and reflective societies research stakeholders, including National Contact Points that takes place.
Strategic dissemination and communication plan for inclusive, innovative and reflective societies projectsPractical advice for the person in any EU-funded project in charge of dissemination and exploitation about good Strategic Dissemination and Communication planning designed to raise awareness of the project's work and findings. This will be published on the project website.
Report on the synergies and exchange of experiences established with other initiativesReport highlighting the lessons learned through collaboration with other initiatives looking at issues of dissemination and communication best practice
Workshop report about the validation of the inclusive, innovative and reflective societies' valorisation conceptReport on the series of interactive multi-stakeholder workshops during which a comprehensive check will be conducted by DANDELION in order to trace down barriers, bottle necks, but also untapped potential on the interface among inclusive, innovative and reflective societies research institutions and a variety of other societal and policy stakeholders who may profit by inclusive, innovative and reflective societies results. The report will support the validation of the DANDELION valorisation concept in order to align it with the requirements of the innovation process.
Inclusive, Innovative and Reflective Societies: Sensitive Valorisation ConceptReport about the multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary valorisation concept for sustainable, inclusive, innovative and reflective societies uptake
Report on Netowrking and transversal community building - final versionThe second and final report about the transactional communication model that the project will develop to foster bi-directional inclusive communication among actors in the innovation cycle.
Report on dissemination and communication of projects - final versionFinal version of a report outlining good research dissemination and communication practice based on work carried out in collaboration with ongoing projects and the development of best-practice guides.
Methological Framework for inclusive, innovative abnd reflective societies project benchmarkingThe methodology framework for how inclusive, innovative and reflective societies projects are benchmarked will be defined.
Delivery of all of the project's branded material, including presentation templates, reporting templates, letterheads, logo etc
Electronic Newsletter - Issue 2Second project newsletter to be distributed electronically to the project target audience database
Electronic Newsletter - Issue 4Fourth project newsletter to be distributed electronically to the project target audience database
Project websiteDesign and launch of the project's public website, which will also include project management and intranet area.
Electronic Newsletter - Issue 1First project newsletter to be distributed electronically to the project target audience database
Explainer materilas and video for Dandelion's communication methodologiesA set of multi-media materials and an explainer video for public consumption produced to communicate in an accessible and attractive manner the best practice guidelines Dandelion has produced over the lifespan of the project
Online Collaborative platform design and implementationThe online platform designed as a collaboration and information sharing tool will be designed and made available online.
Electronic Newsletter - Issue 3Third project newsletter to be distributed electronically to the project target audience database
The report will detail the work done on the fact sheets and policy briefs designed for inclusive, innovative and reflective societies.
Dr Georgios Kolliarakis - senior researcher with the University of Frankfurt, a member of the Cluster of Excellence “The Formation of Normative Orders”, and principal investigator of the DANDELION project
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Ms Susanna Albertini - co-founder of FVA New Media Design, DANDELION project partner
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Dr Georgios Kolliarakis (senior researcher with the University of Frankfurt - partner in the DANDELION project)
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Mr Iakovos Delioglanis - senior consultant at Q-PLAN INTERNATIONAL ADVISORS PC, DANDELION project coordinator
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