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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Supporting PUBLic Authorities for Implementing Energy Efficiency Policies

Risultati finali

National level events reports, including summary of presentations at national level by partners

This report summarizes and synthesizes the findings from the events and provides key observations and conclusions

Compilation of good practices case study reports

This report is a showcase and insights on the fundamental drivers of good practices in EE policy design and implementation (at various administrative levels; national, regional and local),

Compilation of energy efficiency policy roadmaps reports

This report will compile the main findings of the case studies and convert them to a cross comparable manner that can be helpful for the national, regional and local authorities

Guideline document for energy efficiency policy roadmaps development

This report will provide the series of steps required to tackle the needs identified and will state which resources and support will be needed in terms of information, finance, capacity building, trainings, events, etc.

Regional / local level events reports

This report summarizes and synthesizes the findings from the events and provides key observations and conclusions

Synthesis document on the outcomes of roadmap implementation with energy savings and the cost and internal resources optimization

This is the final product of this WP which synthesizes all case studies outcomes, progress and generates the lessons learned in a cross-comparative manner

Report on illustration of digital tools with contents and replication possibilities

This report will be launched in M16 and updated in M32. It illustrates all digital tools, protocols and guidelines available to implementing bodies, alongside with the replication characteristics so that they can be adopted by similar bodies in other countries

Final publishable report with short key notes for policymakers

This report is the final project report with the main findings and tailor made recommendations for policy makers

Summary of materials for tools (existing and adapted) for addressing specific needs

This report will to put all the best existing EE information materials together, update them, translate them to English and then find a way to make them widely visible

Report with the conclusions and the material presented at the Final Conference

The report will provide the outcomes of the final conference in order to collect an input from speakers which will be helpful to fine-tune the recommendations to policy-makers

Building, launching and maintenance of the PUBLENEF platform

This report will describe the process and technical characteristics of the PUBLENEF platform and its sustainability possibilities

Compilation of needs assessment reports

This report provides insights in assessing the needs of public bodies regarding the development, implementation and evaluation of EE policies

Report on the activation EU network of energy agencies

This report will summarize the main discussions in the centrally planned meetings (such as the ENR) that facilitate and engage PUBLENEF

Cross-border level events reports

This report summarizes and synthesizes the findings from the events and provides key observations and conclusions

Report on results of matching assessment of policy needs with best practices

This report makes use of the information on good practices and needs and it analyses the results of the on line questionnaires and the telephone surveys based on stakeholder groups

Policy briefs on specific practices to overcome needs as a result of roadmaps

The policy briefs supporting existing roadmaps will be translated by project partners where is considered necessary and will be available before the EU/national and regional level events organized under WP4 and final conference of the project.

Monitoring plan of adoption of best practices as a result of roadmaps

This report will be launched on M6, updated on M12, 18, 24, 30) and will provide the clear monitoring requirements and inputs in order to keep track of the progress of the case studies

Information packs of PUBLENEF

This report starts in M6, updated in M12, 18, 24, 36, and is a periodical summary and compilation of all information dissemination (poster, leaflets, newsletters, articles, intermediate results, announcements, side events, etc)

PUBLENEF Dissemination strategy

This report will be published in M6, and updated in M18 and M36. It will provide dissemination actions and events, so as to meet the needs of different stakeholders who will be listed in this task, ensuring that the PUBLENEF project objectives are achieved.


This is the main website of the project, where all news, activities and deliverables will be uploaded

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