Periodic Reporting for period 1 - GEO (Green Efficient Outboards)
Berichtszeitraum: 2015-09-01 bis 2016-02-29
a) The market analysis has shown viable business case fulfilling the needs of prospective customers and authority initiatives b) The interest in OXE has been validated by distributors in the key markets, who have showed a large interest to sell the product c) Significant technology risk reductions and extensive testing have been completed d) The production strategy has been settled with a partner and essential component sub suppliers have been assigned e) Cimco has mapped and set-up their future organization which will expand slowly using a lean approach f) An extended patent strategy has been set-up.
Heavily reduced life-cycle and operational cost in combination with increased transportation range, leading to enhanced marine transportation. OXE´s technology will significantly increase the life span of up to 20 times (operational life) and consume up to 53% less fuel than comparable modern outboards. Reduced fuel consumption translates to increased operating range, longer refueling intervals and reduced fuel costs.
Massive outboard emission (COx, NOx) reduction, contributing to less environmental destruction including the greenhouse effect. Marine outboard engines are not so advanced in environmental terms. Even the better-performing outboards emit significantly high levels of air pollutants. If the global annual sales of outboards would have emission equivalent to OXE, the environmental effect would be equal to removing 9 Million cars.