Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Intersex Genealogy (Postcolonial genealogy of intersexuality. Influence of US and Spanish scientific theories in the Colombian medical practices and discourses about intersexuality in the second half of twentieth century)
Berichtszeitraum: 2016-09-12 bis 2018-09-11
The influence of Gregorio Marañón y Posadillo was crucial in the first half of 20th century to bring medicalization of infancy up. Francisco Gnecco Mozzo’s medical discourses evidenced his discussions with Marañón’s theories, after his studies at the Pathology Institute conducted by Gregorio Marañón in the Provincial Hospital of Madrid (1932), problematized both the Colombian medical representation of sexed bodies, and Marañón’s theories, in which some of the widespread positions based on. Additionally, from his studies new local ways of understanding sexuality and intersexuality were evidenced. In the middle of the same century, when the transition of the French medical epistemic model was been changed for the liberal North American one, the influenced of John Money’s research team of the John Hopkins Hospital has been established in Colombian medical praxis and discourses. Besides the analysis of John Money and his research team’s theories, Bernardo Ochoa Arismendy (1926 - 2016) was interviewed as a Money’s ideas promoter. The perspectives that this project results suggest to tackle the historical conceptualization of intersexuality as a disease are manly three: the relationships between liberal ideologies and the gender concept used in medicine, the institutionalization and professionalization of some medical specialties as pediatrics and obstetrics and, the conceptualization of the infancy as a new biological and social entity that have to be medicalized.
Evidentially, the most significant impact of this project is the historical understanding of pathologization of intersexuality that influence the legal and medical praxis around people who is born with genital diversity. We expect continuing the dissemination of the results achieved and working to publish further analysis of the resources recovered. Particularly, in the Colombian context the academic analysis of intersexuality and sex and gendered bodies has reached the Constitutional Court and has influenced the sentences that now rule in favor of freedom and dignity of intersex newborns and children. Even though, this is the case in the Colombian context, the medical community not always respects the new social and legal guidelines. Therefore with this kind of projects and the results achieved we expect to contribute with the knowledge democratization and empowerment of intersex individuals how are using and challenged hegemonic knowledge to produce new bodies representations.