Periodic Reporting for period 1 - SGSOFT (Antimicrobial wound care solution to prevent and cure wound infections and cut health care costs)
Berichtszeitraum: 2016-03-01 bis 2016-08-31
Task 3 was the culmination point of the feasibility study process. Most importantly, based on the results of Tasks 1 and 2, the selection of entry markets was revised. Furthermore, the new insights gained led to sharpening of the market specific go-to-market strategies. Task 4 was complementing tasks 1-3 so that the entire report effectively constitutes for a business plan.
In summary, the feasibility study was designed under prevailing market insights and, for the most part, conducted exactly according to the plan. Due to a continued delay in receiving fresh results from a clinical trial, the reporting deadline was asked to be extended. An extension of 2 weeks was graciously granted, which was much appreciated, but this was not fully sufficient to being able to finalise the report based on the best evidence. What particularly remained missing, was sufficient information to finalise the value for money calculations to the level anticipated and aimed for.
Problem addressed: Severe risks are associated with infected wounds. With more bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics, wound infections have become dangerous, cause massive costs and should be prevented by proactive use of antimicrobial wound dressings, which requires change of practice. In Finland, which represents only 1% of Europe population-wise, the total annual extra costs related to wound infections amount to 430M€. This includes hospital visits, hospitalisation and new treatments. In situations where wound healing is prolonged, or the wound already infected, antimicrobial control over the bacterial load is essential. However, until today, antimicrobial wound dressings have not been used to prevent wound infections, due to high cost and safety issues.