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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Imaging and detection of tumor-associated glycan structures on tumor cells

Descripción del proyecto

Sondas específicas de glicanos para la detección de formas tempranas de cáncer

El desarrollo del cáncer es un proceso que consta de varias fases, y el descubrimiento del tumor en una fase temprana, cuando el cáncer aún es curable, exige disponer de herramientas de diagnóstico sensibles y eficaces. El proyecto GlycoImaging, financiado por la iniciativa Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, tiene como objetivo desarrollar y aplicar nuevos ensayos para la detección de glicanos como biomarcadores asociados a cánceres metastásicos agresivos en sangre, orina, células y tejidos. El proyecto incluirá la formación de ocho especialistas en investigación de fase inicial por parte de un consorcio formado por seis socios del mundo académico y la industria con conocimientos biomédicos, de obtención de imágenes y de síntesis de partículas. El objetivo del proyecto es sentar las bases de un programa interdisciplinario de alta calidad que aúne formación e investigación.


The overall objective of Glyco Imaging is to develop novel assays for detection of glycans as biomarkers associated with aggressive and metastatic cancer forms. The assays will be developed for biomarker detection in blood, urine, cells and tissue. Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIPs), or plastic antibodies, have been developed for targeting the human glycan sialic acid (SA), or Neu5Ac. The efficiency of the Neu5Ac specific SAMIPs targeted to the biomarker SA in different solvents (methanol, water, phosphate buffer) will be exploited. The non-human Neu5Gc, which is incorporated into human glycoconjugates through dietary sources such as red meat, and shown to be involved in malignant cell transformation in humans, will also be investigated by using highly specific Neu5Gc-SAMIPs. The imaging and detection techniques used will be based on fluorescence, 3D-viewing of cancer cells by digital holographic microscopy and magnetic separation columns.
The results in this research consortium will lead to major technological advances having impact on 1) health care, since it will develop more accurate and reliable diagnostics of aggressive and metastatic cancers, 2) drug discovery allowing a faster and cheaper biomarker targeting and detection; and 3) biochemistry research laboratories in resulting in improved understanding of glycan expression in cancer, with emphasis on aggressive metastatic cancer. The training of researchers will be performed by a consortium consisting of 6 partners with biomedical, imaging and particle synthesis skills (4 groups, one institution, one technology company). This forms the basis for a very competent interdisciplinary training program with high quality in both education and research.

8 early stage researchers (ESRs) working on specific tasks within 5 work packages will follow a rich training program providing a well-balanced spectrum of scientific, business and entrepreneurial skills.


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 263 659,32
205 06 Malmoe

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Södra Sverige Sydsverige Skåne län
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 263 659,32

Participantes (5)