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Submarine LAndslides and Their impact on European continental margins

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Geostatistical characterization of internal structure of mass-transport deposits from seismic reflection images and borehole logs

Autori: Jonathan Ford, Angelo Camerlenghi
Pubblicato in: Geophysical Journal International, Numero 221/1, 2020, Pagina/e 318-333, ISSN 0956-540X
Editore: Geological Society by Blackwell Scientific
DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggz570

What determines the downstream evolution of turbidity currents?

Autori: Catharina J. Heerema, Peter J. Talling, Matthieu J. Cartigny, Charles K. Paull, Lewis Bailey, Stephen M. Simmons, Daniel R. Parsons, Michael A. Clare, Roberto Gwiazda, Eve Lundsten, Krystle Anderson, Katherine L. Maier, Jingping P. Xu, Esther J. Sumner, Kurt Rosenberger, Jenny Gales, Mary McGann, Lionel Carter, Edward Pope
Pubblicato in: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Numero 532, 2020, Pagina/e 116023, ISSN 0012-821X
Editore: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2019.116023

Morphology and spatio-temporal distribution of lacustrine mass-transport deposits in Wörthersee, Eastern Alps, Austria

Autori: Christoph Daxer, Maddalena Sammartini, Ariana Molenaar, Thomas Piechl, Michael Strasser, Jasper Moernaut
Pubblicato in: Geological Society, London, Special Publications, Numero 500/1, 2020, Pagina/e 235-254, ISSN 0305-8719
Editore: Geological Society Publishing House
DOI: 10.1144/sp500-2019-179

The compressible granular collapse in a fluid as a continuum: validity of a Navier–Stokes model with , -rheology

Autori: Matthias Rauter
Pubblicato in: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Numero 915, 2021, ISSN 0022-1120
Editore: Cambridge University Press
DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2021.107

Tsunamis From Submarine Collapses Along the Eastern Slope of the Gela Basin (Strait of Sicily)

Autori: Filippo Zaniboni, Gianluca Pagnoni, Maria Ausilia Paparo, Tugdual Gauchery, Marzia Rovere, Andrea Argnani, Alberto Armigliato, Stefano Tinti
Pubblicato in: Frontiers in Earth Science, Numero 8, 2021, ISSN 2296-6463
Editore: Frontiers Media S.A.
DOI: 10.3389/feart.2020.602171

Morphology of retrogressive failures in the Eastern Rhone interfluve during the last glacial maximum (Gulf of Lions, Western Mediterranean)

Autori: Shray Badhani, Antonio Cattaneo, Bernard Dennielou, Estelle Leroux, Florent Colin, Yannick Thomas, Gwenael Jouet, Marina Rabineau, Laurence Droz
Pubblicato in: Geomorphology, Numero 351, 2020, Pagina/e 106894, ISSN 0169-555X
Editore: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2019.106894

Numerical simulation of impulse wave generation by idealized landslides with OpenFOAM

Autori: M. Rauter, L. Hoße, R.P. Mulligan, W.A. Take, F. Løvholt
Pubblicato in: Coastal Engineering, 2020, Pagina/e 103815, ISSN 0378-3839
Editore: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2020.103815

On the inference of tsunami uncertainties from landslide run-out observations

Autori: Thomas Zengaffinen, R. Urgeles, F. Lovholt
Pubblicato in: Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 2022, ISSN 2169-9291
Editore: American Geophysical Union
DOI: 10.1002/essoar.10508122.1

Factors controlling margin instability during the Plio-Quaternary in the Gela Basin (Strait of Sicily, Mediterranean Sea)

Autori: Tugdual Gauchery, Marzia Rovere, Claudio Pellegrini, Antonio Cattaneo, Elisabetta Campiani, Fabio Trincardi
Pubblicato in: Marine and Petroleum Geology, Numero 123, 2021, Pagina/e 104767, ISSN 0264-8172
Editore: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2020.104767

A mixed turbidite – contourite system related to a major submarine canyon: The Marquês de Pombal Drift (south‐west Iberian margin)

Autori: Davide Mencaroni, Roger Urgeles, Angelo Camerlenghi, Jaume Llopart, Jonathan Ford, Cristina Sanchez Serra, William Meservy, Eulàlia Gràcia, Michele Rebesco, Nevio Zitellini
Pubblicato in: Sedimentology, 2021, ISSN 0037-0746
Editore: Blackwell Publishing Inc.
DOI: 10.1111/sed.12844

Seismic Diffraction Imaging to Characterize Mass‐Transport Complexes: Examples From the Gulf of Cadiz, South West Iberian Margin

Autori: Jonathan Ford, Roger Urgeles, Angelo Camerlenghi, Eulàlia Gràcia
Pubblicato in: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Numero 126/3, 2021, ISSN 2169-9313
Editore: AGU
DOI: 10.1029/2020jb021474

The Last Glacial Maximum Balearic Abyssal Plain megabed revisited

Autori: Antonio Cattaneo, Shray Badhani, Cristina Caradonna, Massimo Bellucci, Estelle Leroux, Nathalie Babonneau, Sébastien Garziglia, Jeffrey Poort, Grigorii G. Akhmanov, Germain Bayon, Bernard Dennielou, Gwenäel Jouet, Sébastien Migeon, Marina Rabineau, Laurence Droz, Michael Clare
Pubblicato in: Geological Society, London, Special Publications, Numero 500/1, 2020, Pagina/e 341-357, ISSN 0305-8719
Editore: Geological Society Publishing House
DOI: 10.1144/sp500-2019-188

Knickpoints and crescentic bedform interactions in submarine channels

Autori: Y. Chen, D.R. Parsons, S.M. Simmons, R. Williams, M.J.B. Cartigny, J.E.H. Clarke, C.D. Stacey, S. Hage, P.J. Talling, M. Azpiroz-Zabala, M.A. Clare, J.L. Hizzett, Maarten Heijnen, J.E. Hunt, D.G. Lintern, E.J. Sumner, A.J. Vellinga, D. Vendettuoli
Pubblicato in: Sedimentology, 2021, ISSN 1365-3091
Editore: International Association of Sedimentologists
DOI: 10.1111/sed.12886

A multi-disciplinary investigation of the AFEN Slide: the relationship between contourites and submarine landslides

Autori: Ricarda Gatter, Michael A. Clare, James E. Hunt, Millie Watts, B. N. Madhusudhan, Peter J. Talling, Katrin Huhn
Pubblicato in: Geological Society, London, Special Publications, Numero 500/1, 2020, Pagina/e 173-193, ISSN 0305-8719
Editore: Geological Society Publishing House
DOI: 10.1144/sp500-2019-184

Coupling rheology and segregation in granular flows

Autori: T. Barker, M. Rauter, E. S. F. Maguire, C. G. Johnson, J. M. N. T. Gray
Pubblicato in: Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Numero 909, 2021, Pagina/e A22, ISSN 0022-1120
Editore: Cambridge University Press
DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2020.973

Effect of prior small to moderate seismic events on monotonic undrained shear strength of sand

Autori: Ting-Wei Wu, Yusuke Suzuki, Brian Carlton, Carl Harbitz, Achim Kopf
Pubblicato in: Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Numero 141, 2021, Pagina/e 106465, ISSN 0267-7261
Editore: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.soildyn.2020.106465

Granular viscosity from plastic yield surfaces: The role of the deformation type in granular flows

Autori: M. Rauter, T. Barker, W. Fellin
Pubblicato in: Computers and Geotechnics, Numero 122, 2020, Pagina/e 103492, ISSN 0266-352X
Editore: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.compgeo.2020.103492

From gravity cores to overpressure history: the importance of measured sediment physical properties in hydrogeological models

Autori: Davide Mencaroni, Jaume Llopart, Roger Urgeles, Sara Lafuerza, Eulàlia Gràcia, Anne Le Friant, Morelia Urlaub
Pubblicato in: Geological Society, London, Special Publications, Numero 500/1, 2020, Pagina/e 289-300, ISSN 0305-8719
Editore: Geological Society Publishing House
DOI: 10.1144/sp500-2019-176

Revisiting the tsunamigenic volcanic flank collapse of Fogo Island in the Cape Verdes, offshore West Africa

Autori: Rachel Barrett, Elodie Lebas, Ricardo Ramalho, Ingo Klaucke, Steffen Kutterolf, Andreas Klügel, Katja Lindhorst, Felix Gross, Sebastian Krastel
Pubblicato in: Geological Society, London, Special Publications, Numero 500/1, 2020, Pagina/e 13-26, ISSN 0305-8719
Editore: Geological Society Publishing House
DOI: 10.1144/sp500-2019-187

Constraints on Entrainment and Deposition Models in Avalanche Simulations from High-Resolution Radar Data

Autori: Matthias Rauter, Anselm Köhler
Pubblicato in: Geosciences, Numero 10/1, 2020, Pagina/e 9, ISSN 2076-3263
Editore: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/geosciences10010009

Characterisation of weak layers, physical controls on their global distribution and their role in submarine landslide formation

Autori: R. Gatter, M.A. Clare, J. Kuhlmann, K. Huhn
Pubblicato in: Earth-Science Reviews, Numero 223, 2021, Pagina/e 103845, ISSN 0012-8252
Editore: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103845

Integrated geophysical, sedimentological and geotechnical investigation of submarine landslides in the Gulf of Lions (Western Mediterranean)

Autori: Shray Badhani, Antonio Cattaneo, Stefano Collico, Roger Urgeles, Bernard Dennielou, Estelle Leroux, Florent Colin, Sebastien Garziglia, Marina Rabineau, Laurence Droz
Pubblicato in: Geological Society, London, Special Publications, Numero 500/1, 2020, Pagina/e 359-376, ISSN 0305-8719
Editore: Geological Society Publishing House
DOI: 10.1144/sp500-2019-175

Propagation of frontally confined subaqueous landslides: Insights from combining geophysical, sedimentological, and geotechnical analysis

Autori: M. Sammartini, J. Moernaut, A. Kopf, S. Stegmann, S.C. Fabbri, F.S. Anselmetti, M. Strasser
Pubblicato in: Sedimentary Geology, Numero 416, 2021, Pagina/e 105877, ISSN 0037-0738
Editore: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2021.105877

Effects of rotational submarine slump dynamics on tsunami genesis: new insight from idealized models and the 1929 Grand Banks event

Autori: T. Zengaffinen, F. Løvholt, G. K. Pedersen, C. B. Harbitz
Pubblicato in: Geological Society, London, Special Publications, Numero 500/1, 2020, Pagina/e 41-61, ISSN 0305-8719
Editore: Geological Society Publishing House
DOI: 10.1144/sp500-2019-201

How distinctive are flood-triggered turbidity currents? Journal of Sedimentary Research

Autori: Catharina J. Heerema, M.J.B Cartigny, R. Silva Jacinto, S.M. Simmons, R. Apprioual, P.J. Talling
Pubblicato in: Journal of Sedimentary Research, 2022, ISSN 1527-1404
Editore: SEPM
DOI: 10.2110/jsr.2020.168

Probabilistic mapping of earthquake-induced submarine landslide susceptibility in the South-West Iberian margin

Autori: Stefano Collico, Marcos Arroyo, Roger Urgeles, Eulàlia Gràcia, Marcelo Devincenzi, Norma Peréz
Pubblicato in: Marine Geology, Numero 429, 2020, Pagina/e 106296, ISSN 0025-3227
Editore: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2020.106296

Modelling 2018 Anak Krakatoa Flank Collapse and Tsunami: Effect of Landslide Failure Mechanism and Dynamics on Tsunami Generation

Autori: Thomas Zengaffinen, Finn Løvholt, Geir Kleivstul Pedersen, Abdul Muhari
Pubblicato in: Pure and Applied Geophysics, Numero 177/6, 2020, Pagina/e 2493-2516, ISSN 0033-4553
Editore: Birkhauser Verlag
DOI: 10.1007/s00024-020-02489-x

Rapidly-migrating and internally-generated knickpoints can control submarine channel evolution

Autori: Maarten S. Heijnen, Michael A. Clare, Matthieu J. B. Cartigny, Peter J. Talling, Sophie Hage, D. Gwyn Lintern, Cooper Stacey, Daniel R. Parsons, Stephen M. Simmons, Ye Chen, Esther J. Sumner, Justin K. Dix, John E. Hughes Clarke
Pubblicato in: Nature Communications, Numero 11/1, 2020, ISSN 2041-1723
Editore: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-16861-x

Bottom current-controlled Quaternary sedimentation at the foot of the Malta Escarpment (Ionian Basin, Mediterranean)

Autori: M. Rebesco, M., A.Camerlenghi, V. Munari, R. Mosetti, Jonathan Ford, A. Micallef, L. Facchin
Pubblicato in: Marine Geology, 2021, ISSN 0025-3227
Editore: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2021.106596

Post-LGM multi-proxy sedimentary record of bottom-current variability and downslope sedimentary processes in a contourite drift of the Gela Basin (Strait of Sicily)

Autori: Tugdual Gauchery, Marzia Rovere, Claudio Pellegrini, Alessandra Asioli, Tommaso Tesi, Antonio Cattaneo, Fabio Trincardi
Pubblicato in: Marine Geology, Numero 439, 2021, Pagina/e 106564, ISSN 0025-3227
Editore: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2021.106564

Does Retrogression Always Account for the Large Volume of Submarine Megaslides? Evidence to the Contrary From the Tampen Slide, Offshore Norway

Autori: R. S. Barrett, B. Bellwald, P. J. Talling, A. Micallef, F. Gross, C. Berndt, S. Planke, R. Myklebust, S. Krastel
Pubblicato in: Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, Numero 126/2, 2021, ISSN 2169-9313
Editore: AGU
DOI: 10.1029/2020jb020655

Understanding subaqueous landslides and their morphology: From qualitative to quantitative analysis

Autori: Rachel S. Barrett
Pubblicato in: PhD thesis, 2020
Editore: Kiel

New Insights into Submarine Channel Evolution Revealed by Repeat Seafloor Mapping

Autori: Maarten S. Heijnen
Pubblicato in: PhD Thesis, 2021
Editore: University of Southampton Institutional Repository

Seafloor instabilities in the Gulf of Lions, Western Mediterranean

Autori: Shray Badhani
Pubblicato in: PhD thesis, 2022
Editore: Agence bibliographique de l'enseignement supérieur

Pore pressure build-up in mixed contourite-turbidite systems: the SW Iberian margin

Autori: Davide Mencaroni
Pubblicato in: PhD Thesis, 2022
Editore: DIGITAL.CSIC, institute repository of the Spanish National Research Council

Micro-mechanics of weak layers: key role of sediment structure and composition

Autori: Ricarda Gatter
Pubblicato in: PhD Thesis, 2021
Editore: Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen

Geophysical characterisation of the internal structure of mass-transport deposits

Autori: Jonathan Ford
Pubblicato in: PhD thesis, 2021
Editore: Università degli Studi di Trieste

Morphometrics and frontal emplacement style of lacustrine landslides. A combined statistical and geotechnical approach

Autori: Maddalena Sammartini
Pubblicato in: PhD Thesis, 2021
Editore: Digitale Bibliothek Universität Innsbruck

Influence of Submarine Landslide Failure and Flow on Tsunami Genesis

Autori: Thomas Zengaffinnen
Pubblicato in: PhD Thesis, 2021
Editore: Matematisk institutt, University of Oslo

Submarine Landslides in the Central Mediterranean: Causes and Recurrences

Autori: Tugdual Gauchery
Pubblicato in: PhD Thesis, 2021
Editore: AMS Dottorato, Institutional Doctoral Theses Repository

Multiphase Navier-Stokes equations applied to landslide tsunamis : Numerical simulations of granular flows and their interaction with water bodies

Autori: Matthias Rauter
Pubblicato in: PhD Thesis, 2022
Editore: University of Oslo Library

Quantitative Geotechnical Characterization of Seismic Strengthening Effect on Siliceous Soils

Autori: Ting-Wei Wu
Pubblicato in: PhD Thesis, 2021
Editore: Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen

Geotechnical charcaterization of marine sediments via statistical analysis

Autori: Stefano Collico
Pubblicato in: PhD Thesis, 2022
Editore: Doctoral School, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya BarcolanaTech

Evolution of Turbidity Currents: New insights from direct field measurements

Autori: Catharina J. Heerema
Pubblicato in: PhD Thesis, 2021
Editore: Durham University

Probabilistic landslide susceptibility offshore South West Iberian margin

Autori: Stefano Collico, M. Arroyo, R. Urgeles, E. Gràcia, M. Devincenzi, N. Perez
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics (ISFOG2020), 2020
Editore: American Society of Civil Engineers

Semi-automated probabilistic soil delineation approach using CPTu data

Autori: Stefano Collico, M. Arroyo, M. Devincenzi, M. Rodriguez, A. Deu
Pubblicato in: Proceedings of 6th Int Conference: Geotechn & Geophys Site Characterization, 2020
Editore: Hungarian Geotechnical Society

Applying Bayesian updating to CPT data analysis

Autori: Stefano Collico, N. Perez, M. Devincenzi, M. Arroyo
Pubblicato in: Cone Penetration Testing 2018 - Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing (CPT'18), 21-22 June, 2018, Delft, The Netherlands, 2018, Pagina/e chapter 26, 6 pages, ISBN 978-1-138-58449-5
Editore: CRC Press

Submarine Landslides - Subaqueous Mass Transport Deposits from Outcrops to Seismic Profiles

Autori: Sammartini, M., Moernaut, J., Anselmetti, F., Hilbe, M., Lindhorst, K., Preat, N., Strasser, M.
Pubblicato in: Submarine Landslides: Subaqueous Mass Transport Deposits from Outcrops to Seismic Profiles, Numero Geophysical Monograph 246, 2019, Pagina/e 201-226, ISBN 9781119500582
Editore: John Wiley & Sons
DOI: 10.1002/9781119500513.ch13

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