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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Training in Extracellular Vesicles: for benefit in Health and Disease

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - TRAIN-EV (Training in Extracellular Vesicles: for benefit in Health and Disease)

Berichtszeitraum: 2019-10-01 bis 2022-03-31

In the Reporting Period of TRAIN-EV (01/10/2019-31/03/2022) all ESRs either completed their projects or progressed onto another funding stream identified by their supervisors in order for them to complete and submit their PhDs. The 17 remaining Deliverables were submitted, and the 6 remaining Milestones achieved. Dissemination, by the ESRs was in the form of 29 oral presentations at conferences, 26 posters presentation at meetings, and 28 peer-reviewed publications. TRAIN-EV research was further highlighted and the H2020 funding gratefully received was acknowledged in 32 talks/keynotes, 10 peer-reviewed publications, and 9 exhibitions by Coordinators, Beneficiaries or Partner Organisations. We are very grateful to our Project Officer, Domna Paschalidou, for her advice, guidance, and support during this time, which was made challenging due to covid-19. However, our overall lasting impression of TRAIN-EV has been a time of great scientific collaboration and progress.
The work performed during the first reporting period within TRAIN-EV is in line with the Annex 1 to the Grant Agreement. Specifically, the TRAIN-EV training network has overall progressed as it was planned for this first reporting period, and is fully established and on the right track to conduct the training activities. TRAIN-EV ESRs are making substantial progress in their research, training and networking.
Overall, we are successful in progressing along the proposed project(s) timeline while keeping the pace with evolving knowledge and technology evolution in EV field and considering the emerging or persistent clinical needs.
The main results achieved so far are illustrated in the 3 published articles, 11 conference oral presentations and 6 posters.
TRAIN-EV projects contribute individually and collectively to the advancement of EVs’ isolation and characterisation techniques, which enables further understanding of molecular mechanisms for EVs. A final aim of these projects is to evaluate and optimise EVs’ use in diagnosis and treatment, with significant impact on society health status.