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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

BRidging gaps for the adoption of Automated VEhicles

Descripción del proyecto

Conceptos innovadores para unos vehículos automatizados seguros

Los avances en las tecnologías del transporte han mejorado la seguridad, la eficiencia, la sostenibilidad y la comodidad en la automatización de los vehículos. Sin embargo, el despliegue de vehículos automatizados ha planteado nuevos retos, tanto técnicos como no técnicos, que deben resolverse para lograr una adopción segura. En este contexto, el equipo del proyecto BRAVE, financiado con fondos europeos, llevará a cabo una investigación multidisciplinar. Esta investigación responde a las necesidades de diversas partes interesadas como, por ejemplo, los conductores y los usuarios vulnerables de la vía pública. En el proyecto se emplearán prototipos existentes de vehículos automatizados para desarrollar conceptos innovadores de control de la interacción conductor-vehículo. Esos conceptos ayudarán a acortar la brecha entre los usuarios y las tecnologías de automatización, lo que garantizará un manejo seguro del vehículo con una atención reducida por parte del conductor.


New technologies in transport enabled systems with the capacity to improve safety, efficiency, sustainability and comfort. Advances in vehicle automation allow the circulation of vehicles with a minimal human intervention in the near future. However, this irruption brings new technical and non-technical challenges that are to be addressed to ensure safe adoption of level 3 automated vehicles.

Based on existing prototypes of automated vehicles (provided by the consortium), will perform multidisciplinary research to ensure the needs of the users (drivers), other road users (other drivers and Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs)), and the perspectives of stakeholders (driving instructors, insurance companies, authorities, certifiers, policy makers and regulators), as a key for obtaining viable and market-ready products. This main objective is further detailed in the following ones:

1) Multidisciplinary (human, social, economic, security, legal and ethical considerations) study of the requirements and expectations of the drivers, VRUs, and stakeholders to assure safety and adoption of automated vehicles.
2) Turning requirements into innovative interaction and monitoring concepts for driver-vehicle interaction in order to bridge the gap between users and automation technologies while assuring safe vehicles handling with reduced driver attention.
3) Turning requirements into innovative monitoring concepts for vehicle-environment interaction, enhancing current Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS) through the inclusion of predictive capabilities for better and faster ADAS reactions (nominal and emergency).
4) Validating requirements, user acceptance and impact assessment through realistic user-centric testing exercises under different scenario conditions.
5) Paving the way for the further adoption of the technology by the automation industry, by evolving on testing and pre-validation protocols, proposing advancements on the regulation and consumerist assessment.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 598 550,79

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Östra Sverige Östra Mellansverige Östergötlands län
Tipo de actividad
Research Organisations
Coste total
€ 598 550,79

Participantes (11)