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CORDIS - Resultados de investigaciones de la UE

Dialogue About Radicalisation and Equality

Descripción del proyecto

Comprender y prevenir el extremismo entre los jóvenes

En un mundo cada vez más polarizado, existe la preocupación generalizada de que los jóvenes se vean arrastrados a diversas formas de extremismo. Los estudios orientados a la seguridad indican que los extremistas violentos siguen un proceso común de «radicalización», pero son incapaces de predecir quién adoptará conductas violentas. Por otra parte, la suposición de que otras personas que comparten características similares son extremistas en potencia ha estigmatizado a comunidades enteras, lo que ha tenido consecuencias contraproducentes. El proyecto DARE, financiado con fondos europeos, centrará su atención en los jóvenes que participan en ideas y medios radicales pero que no han cruzado el umbral de la violencia. A través de un estudio detallado de los procesos que impulsan, pero también limitan, el movimiento de los jóvenes hacia el extremismo, el proyecto generará recomendaciones políticas y herramientas profesionales para prevenir el extremismo violento basadas directamente en la experiencia de los jóvenes.


DARE aims to significantly increase understanding of why and how young people become radicalised and our capacity to effectively counter radicalisation. It does this through integrating research, policy and practice objectives in a three stage process of: 1) critical review of existing knowledge, policy and interventions in radicalisation and counter-radicalisation; 2) generation of new empirical research on young people’s encounters with, and responses to, messages and agents of radicalisation; and 3) integration of research findings to develop, pilot and evaluate two educational toolkits and a de-radicalisation programme evaluation tool to enhance the effectiveness of counter-radicalisation interventions.
Through its focus on Islamist and anti-Islam(ist) radicalisation DARE addresses both ‘religious fundamentalism’ and ‘violence and hate crime’ dimensions of the topic call and explores how radicalisation processes interact to produce cumulative effects. It takes as its focus young people as a group that is targeted by recruiters and conventionally understood to be receptive to radicalism. It also places emphasis on gender dimensions of radicalisation.
DARE recognises that improving knowledge on radicalisation has urgent implications for societal security but contributes to the wider objectives of the ‘Reversing inequalities and promoting fairness’ call through recognising that social inequality and discrimination give rise to perceived injustice which may motivate engagement with radical ideologies and actions. DARE’s primary concern is to address the long term social roots and effects of radicalisation and to engage young people themselves in countering radicalisation through its, innovative, attention to non-radicalisation alongside radicalisation trajectories.
The DARE Consortium brings together academic and civil society organisations to ensure integration of its academic, policy and practice elements and includes members from 9 EU and 4 non-EU countries.

Convocatoria de propuestas


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Régimen de financiación

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Aportación neta de la UEn
€ 1 182 257,96
M13 9PL Manchester
Reino Unido

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North West (England) Greater Manchester Manchester
Tipo de actividad
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coste total
€ 1 182 257,96

Participantes (17)