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Risultati finali
Interim Report– interim reports for WP2 and WP3 and stakeholder engagement strategy for WP4
Overview of MU analysisOverview of MU analysis – analysis of findings of WP2 and WP3 to provide a clear overview of MU of oceans, in European Sea basins, identifying real and perceived barriers to implementation of MU
Sea basin synthesesSea basin syntheses – identify potential for MU applications across the 5 sea basins, mapping the opportunities and actions to promote implementation
Overview stakeholder profilesOverview stakeholder profiles - build on the work of WP2 and establish appropriate links with macro-regional and sea basin strategies and plans, stakeholder forums as well as relevant policy processes.
Case study methodologyAcademic papers
Academic papers prepared and published on the outputs of the projects
Action planAction plan – will present a vision highlighting the real opportunities for MU in European Seas including scope for innovation and Blue Growth potential, and propose solutions to overcome existing barriers.
Exploitation of results (M24)Exploitation of results – development of best practice guidelines
Analytical FrameworkAnalytical Framework including stakeholder identification and engagement strategy
Final conferenceFinal conference and dissemination of reports
Stakeholder workshopStakeholder workshop – 40 key stakeholders in the marine environment from across the 5 sea basins brought together to explore and discuss the state of MU in each basin.
Final ReportFinal Report detailing all results for WP2, WP3 and WP4 including infographics and action plan for exploitation of results
Comparative analysis and final reportComparative analysis and final report – analysis of 3 focus areas explored through stakeholder engagement structured to inform WP4 activities
Exploitation of results (M12)Exploitation of results – development of best practice guidelines Delivery dates M12 & M24
Case study implementationCase study implementation – case study reports for 7 MU combinations across the 5 sea basins
Stakeholder identification and engagement processWP2 Final report
WP2 Final report – collating and comparing information on the 5 Sea Basins and identification of potential sectors and sea areas suitable for promotion of MU
Dissemination of interim reports (half way stage)Dissemination of reports to appropriate stakeholders for comment and feedback
InfographsWebsite maintenance – updating site with appropriate news and publications arising from project
WebsiteWebsite - develop and maintain project website for internal and external communications and for disseminating and publicising outputs
Infographics (M3)Infographics – developed to communicate the outputs form the project in a readily comprehensible fashion Delivery date in M3 and in M23
Logo and publicityLogo and publicity – development of a visual identity and provide communication guidelines for partners
Infographics (M23)Infographics – developed to communicate the outputs form the project in a readily comprehensible fashion Delivery date M3 & M23
Newsletter & social mediaNewsletter & social media – development and utilisation of targeted communication tools
Conference presentationsConference presentations – at a range of appropriate events such as EUBSR, CPMR, EUSAIR, European Maritime day, etc.
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