CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Improving digital health literacy in Europe


Report on evaluation and impact assessment

A report on the evaluation of the MOOCs and their impact will be drafted. Questionnaires, interviews and other data will be enclosed as annexes.

Methodology for co-creation of MOOCs

The methodology will include a theoretical introduction and concrete design approach and methods per target group and country. Operational steps for the implementation of the approaches proposed will be included together with a calendar of activities.

Stakeholders database

A CRM database with details of the stakeholders individuated by EHMA and by the other project partners will be produced. It will contain the name of the organization and the main contact details.

Report on the seminar for national coordinators

The report will include list of participants agenda main content and conclusions of the seminar

Final Report

The Final Report will present the results achieved and activities implemented at the end of the duration of the project.

Report on profile of target groups

The report will describe target groups in terms of their propensity to eHealth, their digital, health and digital health literacy skills, and their level of health self-management. Reports will present the results at national level and summarize findings at EU level. The report will outline also the health topics of major interest for each group will be individuated and listed.

Report on Business models

A report containing the possible business models identified will be produced. The selected business model to be implemented will be highlighted.

Report on key factors, drivers, barriers and trends on digital health literacy

The findings from the analysis of current literature will be gathered in a report that will highlight the key factors, drivers, barriers and trends on digital health literacy. Information about digital literacy will be reported as well.

Reports on participation in other events

Periodical reports on the participation in additional events will be drafted, as the project activities will be presented in other events or conferences.

Sustainability strategy

A sustainability strategy will be produced, considering all the aspects necessary to facilitate the usage of the MOOCs also beyond the project’s lifecycle. It will be linked to the dissemination strategy produced in Work Package 6. An exploitation and business plan will be also outlined within this strategy.

Methodology for stakeholder engagement

A methodology for stakeholders’ engagement will be produced, considering the incentives that could be put in place to create collaborations and to obtain full involvement in the further exploitation of the MOOCs. A map of the stakeholders will be enclosed as annex.

Dissemination and communication strategy

The overall dissemination and communication strategy will consider when, where and how the identified target groups will be reached by the dissemination and communication activities. It will guide the roll-out of WP6.

Results of the survey on digital health literacy

The results of the survey will feed the engagement strategy at M4 and will serve for the impact evaluation at the end of the project. (M4, M22)

Reports on co-creation

Each coordinator of a CoP will draft a report of the co-creation pilot describing the CoP, listing the co-design approaches and methods used, highlighting main success, difficulties, etc.

Methodology for target groups’ engagement

A communication and engagement strategy for the involvement of all relevant stakeholders. The strategy will include some theoretical basis about social marketing applied to health education and then concrete steps to be taken to engage with each target group in each country, both for the co-creation of the MOOC and for its testing.

Intermediary Report

The Intermediary Report will present partial outcomes achieved and activities implemented by the mid-term and will point out the main challenges for upcoming 12 months of the duration of the project.

35 MOOCs on digital health literacy created

35 MOOCs will be created in 7 EU languages, hosted on several platforms and accessible through a mobile application.

Ethical Protocol and Ethical Committee

This deliverable will consist of the Ethical protocol, the list of the members composing the Ethical Committee and the periodic reports submitted by the Committee to the Project Coordinator and Steering Committee.

MOOC on co-creation

A MOOC on co-creation and co-design in the health context will be developed and uploaded on other MOOCs platforms (first of all EMMA, and if possible on COURSERA, Udemy, ALISON and FutureLearn).

EU platform for digital health literacy

The EU platform for digital health literacy will be developed, hosted on the community platform developed under WP3 and supported by active use of social media.

Project visual identity and website

Logo, project brochure, roll-up, diverse templates and the project website will be produced at the beginning of the project to ensure it will be linked to a well-defined visual identity.

IC-Health Community Platform

The platform enabled by Yammer will be accessible upon registration. Individuals recruited under task 3.3 will be invited to register as part of the activities they consent to participate to but other individuals will be able to join the online co-creation.

Promotional video

A promotional video of 7 minutes will be also developed for dissemination purposed. The video will present benefits of digital health literacy, the MOOCs developed and some short testimonials from each target group.

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