Periodic Reporting for period 1 - bioburner (Sustainable Hybrid Dual Burner)
Berichtszeitraum: 2016-06-01 bis 2016-09-30
In order to confirm the feasibility of BIOBURNER, after a four months’ study, we have developed the present report that checks the technical, commercial and financial feasibility of our project. We have analysed the technical developments ahead and prepared the execution plan for the development of the BIOBURNER prototypes. We have performed an in-depth analysis of the target markets out of which we have developed our market strategy and our plan for the BIOBURNER market launch to the international markets. Financially, we have drafted a detailed 5-years financial forecast which has confirmed the potential return on investment of the BIOBURNER project.
Task 1: Technical feasibility assessment: This task comprises the following activities:
- Defined BIOBURNER product scaling up technical plan, estimated production costs and identified technical challenges for its optimisation and commercialisation
- Defined power ranges for target markets (up to 1MW) and selling price adjustment. To accomplish this task, we have carried out a survey to a sample of potential end users, which has allowed us to target standard ranges the most adapted to their needs.
- Studied biomass feedstocks in order to identify those most suitable based on their high quality, price and locality. BIOBURNER control and monitoring system will be optimised to increase efficiency and sustainability using these alternative fuels during Phase 2.
- Prepared a technical risk assessment and defined mitigation and contingency activities.
Task 2: Partner involvement: We have searched and identified best supply chain parties to participate in BIOBURNER project: manufacturing, biomass supply, distribution and end-users. We have signed collaboration agreements with several of them and have defined the entity profile for those that will be needed in the future (e.g. distribution for broader Europe).
Task 3: Commercial Feasibility assessment.
- Conduced a complete market research and analysis of the manufacturing industries in Europe, with special emphasis in Spain, Portugal and France.
- Completed a study and analysis of competing technologies, identified limitations and advantages
- Evaluated commercial risks and established mitigation strategies.
- Evaluated and subsequent strategy of IP protection for BIOBURNER technology, through an up-to-date Freedom to Operate (FTO) analysis and evaluation of best protection strategy for BIOBURNER technology
Task 4: Financial Feasibility assessment. Months 2-4.
- Evaluate the total investment requirement, financial risks and mitigation strategies.
- Elaborated a 5 year projected cash flow and quantify the expected benefits for D&R, its partners and potential end users.
Task 5. BIOBURNER Business Plan. We have developed a living document projecting 5 years into the future, outlining the necessary collaborative investments, development next-steps and future commercialization efforts. A market and risk analysis has been conducted in order to overcome competing solutions and best satisfy user requirements.
BIOBURNER addresses this issue which will bring the following economic and environmental benefits:
Reduce operational risks by increasing reliability of continuous process and fuel supply
Contribute to the decarbonisation of the economy by increasing uptake of biomass technology by industries
Contribute to sustainability of industries by reducing operational costs (lower energy price)
Reduce operational complexity (easier cleaning) by offering a much simpler cleaning process
Reinforce biomass local supply chains by increasing uptake of biomass technologies.