Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Appytalent (Human Resource Management Tool Based on Emotional Intelligence)
Berichtszeitraum: 2016-06-01 bis 2016-11-30
• Low employability among candidates that need help to develop their Soft Skills and boost their Emotional Quotient.
• Unemployment, specially in in the public sector by contacting governmental entities to get them involved in the project and get public institutions to use our app.
• Offering a sustainable service, the company cuts cost and it is a “green” solution: no paper, no travel
• HR management uneffectiveness for companies with employees that need help to develop themselves and improve those SS they lack.
To create both employment and a better prepared workforce, thus boosting the market, labour productivity and enhancing competitiveness. This is of high relevance for the European economy and society, given that one of the European Commission's top priorities is to get Europe growing again and to increase the number of high quality jobs.
This are the reason because Playforapply is seeking to take to the market Appytalent application that will offer an innovative solution for companies in three aspects of their HR processes: a) assessing employees' emotional skills, b) training staff on the emotional skills they need to improve and c) recruitment.
To achieve these objectives, Playforapply carried out an in-depth market study to decide how to proceed, in particular to consider the specific business model that will optimize the service, with particular consideration given to the new module.
The study has been focused on three key aspects:
1. An in-depth study of the market for Emotional Intelligence Solutions.
2. A technical verification of the project.
3. An updated business plan.
Appytalent was presented to the Labour Responsible for the Local Catalan Government and won too the Enterpreneurship Prize offered by the current Catalan Economics Vicepresident in Sant Vicenç dels Horts.
Appytalent has been presented and tested for IDFO (Institute for the Training Development and Occupability) that allows to UGT union. The employees of IDFO are going to use Appytalent helping their users to increase their employability level.
Right now Appytalent signed an agreement with the UOC (Open Calonian University), and right now is a new tool used for the UOC graduated when they have to access to the labour market working with the UOC Career services.