Periodic Reporting for period 1 - PRIZM2016 (Soft launch for the first thinbking music player)
Reporting period: 2016-05-01 to 2016-10-31
We leverage the music streaming booming and its digital opportunities to introduce Prizm. Prizm is the first context-aware device that automatically plays the perfect song based on people in the room, their music tastes and habits, and the current atmosphere.
The feasibility study aimed to assess three key levels:
− Economic: Better know foreign targeted markets (US, GB) and French final users through beta test program and then a first on-line distribution of 5000 units
− Commercial: Assess business partnerships in physical distribution and analyze BtoB business model opportunities in order to place Prizm in the forthcoming smart house.
− Legal: Identify legal and IP issues for the Prizm soft-launch in France, US and GB.
Based on technical, economical and legal inputs, our will to enter into American and English markets to widen the impact of our innovative product is confirmed and strengthened.