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Evolution of Copernicus Land Services based on Sentinel data

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P41.2a - Data Sets of Time Series-derived Indicators and Variables (Issue 1)

These raster data sets comprise the prototype results of Time Series-derived Indicators and Variables, as derived by WP 41 in all ECoLaSS prototype sites. These data sets are directly linked to Deliverable D41.1 which provides the detailed description of these prototype datasets. The datasets will be accompanied by INSPIRE-compliant metadata.

P44.2a - Data Sets of Crop Area and Crop Status/Parameters Products (Issue 1)

These raster data sets comprise the prototype results of Crop Area and Crop Status/Parameter products, as derived by WP 44 in all ECoLaSS prototype sites. These data sets are directly linked to Deliverable D44.1 which provides the detailed description of these prototype datasets. The datasets will be accompanied by INSPIRE-compliant metadata.

P41.2b - Data Sets of Time Series-derived Indicators and Variables (Issue 2)

These raster data sets comprise the prototype results of Time Series-derived Indicators and Variables, as derived by WP 41 in all ECoLaSS prototype sites. These data sets are directly linked to Deliverable D41.1 which provides the detailed description of these prototype datasets. The datasets will be accompanied by INSPIRE-compliant metadata.

P43.2a - Data Sets of HRL Permanent Grassland Products (Issue 1)

These raster data sets comprise the prototype results of Improved Permanent Grassland products, as derived by WP 43 in all ECoLaSS prototype sites. These data sets are directly linked to Deliverable D43.1 which provides the detailed description of these prototype datasets. The datasets will be accompanied by INSPIRE-compliant metadata.

P42.2a - Data Sets of HR Layer Incremental Updates (Issue 1)

These raster data sets comprise the prototype results of Incremental Updates of HR Layers, as derived by WP 42 in all ECoLaSS prototype sites. These data sets are directly linked to Deliverable D42.1 which provides the detailed description of these prototype datasets. The datasets will be accompanied by INSPIRE-compliant metadata.

P43.2b - Data Sets of HRL Permanent Grassland Products (Issue 2)

These raster data sets comprise the prototype results of Improved Permanent Grassland products, as derived by WP 43 in all ECoLaSS prototype sites. These data sets are directly linked to Deliverable D43.1 which provides the detailed description of these prototype datasets. The datasets will be accompanied by INSPIRE-compliant metadata.

P45.2a - Data Sets of New LC/LU Products (Issue 1)

These raster data sets comprise the prototype results of New Land Cover/Land Use Products, as derived by WP 45 in all ECoLaSS prototype sites. These data sets are directly linked to Deliverable D45.1 which provides the detailed description of these prototype datasets. The datasets will be accompanied by INSPIRE-compliant metadata.

P42.2b - Data Sets of HR Layer Incremental Updates (Issue 2)

These raster data sets comprise the prototype results of Incremental Updates of HR Layers, as derived by WP 42 in all ECoLaSS prototype sites. These data sets are directly linked to Deliverable D42.1 which provides the detailed description of these prototype datasets. The datasets will be accompanied by INSPIRE-compliant metadata.

P45.2b - Data Sets of New LC/LU Products (Issue 2)

These raster data sets comprise the prototype results of New Land Cover/Land Use Products, as derived by WP 45 in all ECoLaSS prototype sites. These data sets are directly linked to Deliverable D45.1 which provides the detailed description of these prototype datasets. The datasets will be accompanied by INSPIRE-compliant metadata.

P44.2b - Data Sets of Crop Area and Crop Status/Parameters Products (Issue 2)

These raster data sets comprise the prototype results of Crop Area and Crop Status/Parameter products, as derived by WP 44 in all ECoLaSS prototype sites. These data sets are directly linked to Deliverable D44.1 which provides the detailed description of these prototype datasets. The datasets will be accompanied by INSPIRE-compliant metadata.

D33.1a - Methods Compendium: Time Series Analysis for Thematic Classification (Issue 1)

This report constitutes a methods compendium for the investigated approaches on Time Series Analyses for Thematic Classification. A detailed description of the objectives will be provided, followed by an explanation of the methodology and conclusions, as derived by WP 33. It addresses approaches for optical image compositing methods specifically dedicated to thematic classification, development of selection methods of most suitable S-1 images, and development of time series classification methods for HR Layers, Crop Types and new LC/LU products.

D34.1a - Methods Compendium: Time Series Analysis for Change Detection (Issue 1)

This report constitutes a methods compendium for the investigated approaches on Time Series Analyses for Change Detection. A detailed description of the objectives will be provided, followed by an explanation of the methodology and conclusions, as derived by WP 34. It addresses the project’s methodological approach for automated change detection based on optical and SAR Sentinel time series, addressing amongst others: (i) signal anomaly detection in time series based on optical and SAR data, (ii) change detection through fusing the signal anomaly detection results, as further input to WP 35 and Task 4 WPs.

D53.2a - White Paper on Copernicus Land Evolution (Issue 1)

This deliverable constitutes a White Paper draft with a final Version (Issue 2) presented in M36. It will comprise the project’s main findings and achievements with respect to the Copernicus Land component’s Evolution. It will be targeting mainly decision makers in the European Commission and Entrusted European Entities. One focus will be on summarising the outcome of the whole Task 5, and providing the rationale behind each suggested operational candidate product, together with a related clear justification as to why it should become part of the Copernicus service evolution, specifically in view of policy requirements and stakeholder needs.

D61.3b - Collection of Communication and Dissemination Material (Issue 2)

This deliverable constitutes a digital collection of all dissemination and communication materials produced by the project, comprising, amongst others, any project flyers and brochures, published DVDs, open access (OA) publications in scientific journals, conference proceedings, conference posters, public presentation slides, articles prepared for the project webpage, articles about ECoLaSS on other relevant websites and news portals, etc.

D12.1c - DWH use for 2019

This deliverable for DWH data use in 2019 summarises information about the used EO data obtained from the Data Warehouse mechanism managed by ESA, i.e. VHR Additional Datasets from Copernicus Contributing Missions. This deliverable will be accompanied by an MS Excel template detailing the EO data used in the year 2019.

D31.1b - Methods Compendium: Sentinel-1/2/3 Integration Strategies (Issue 2)

This report constitutes a methods compendium of the investigated Sentinel-1/2/3 Integration Strategies. A detailed description of the objectives will be provided, followed by an explanation of the methodology and conclusions, as derived by WP 31. It addresses the pre-processing steps enabling complementary information integration and fusion, exploration of time series indicators from all three satellites, SAR & optical based indicator approaches as parallel inputs in classification / post-classification schemes, and interpolation and fusion tools of S-2 and S-3 data.

D12.1a - DWH use for 2017

This deliverable for DWH data use in 2017 summarises information about the used EO data obtained from the Data Warehouse mechanism managed by ESA, i.e. VHR Additional Datasets from Copernicus Contributing Missions. This deliverable will be accompanied by an MS Excel template detailing the EO data used in the year 2017.

D53.2b - White Paper on Copernicus Land Evolution (Issue 2)

This deliverable constitutes a White Paper, which will comprise the project’s main findings and achievements with respect to the Copernicus Land component’s Evolution. It will be targeting mainly decision makers in the European Commission and Entrusted European Entities. One focus will be on summarising the outcome of the whole Task 5, and providing the rationale behind each suggested operational candidate product, together with a related clear justification as to why it should become part of the Copernicus service evolution, specifically in view of policy requirements and stakeholder needs.

D43.1b - Prototype Report: Improved Permanent Grassland (Issue 2)

This report comprises a description of the provided prototype datasets of Improved Permanent Grassland products (linked to Deliverable P43.2). A detailed description of the objectives will be provided together with an explanation of the methodology, results and conclusions, as derived by WP 43. It addresses the prototype methodologies for preparation of in-situ reference and validation data sets, application of different grassland segmentation and classification algorithms (as described in WP 33) in all demonstration sites, accuracy assessment for the grassland product prototype results, and optimisation of the algorithms described in WP 33 based on the assessment results.

D22.1a - EO and other Data Requirements Report (Issue 1)

This deliverable consists of a report describing the (future) Copernicus services’ requirements for Earth Observation and other Data. A detailed description of the objectives will be provided, followed by an explanation of the findings and conclusions, as derived by WP 22, in view of requirements towards the current and future Sentinel constellation, third party contributing mission EO data, in-situ and reference data, as well as an assessment of any critical gaps.

D21.1b - Service Evolution Requirements Report (Issue 2)

This deliverable consists of a report describing the requirements for the Service Evolution of Copernicus Land Services, as collected by the project. A detailed description of the objectives will be provided, followed by an explanation of the findings and conclusions as derived by WP 21. It comprises the identified evolution requirements in terms of current (2012), upcoming (2015) and future (2018) Copernicus Land Monitoring Services.

D44.1b - Prototype Report: Crop Area and Crop Status/Parameters (Issue 2)

This report comprises a description of the provided prototype datasets of Crop Area and Crop Status/Parameters (linked to Deliverable D44.2). A detailed description of the objectives will be provided together with an explanation of the methodology, results and conclusions, as derived by WP 44. It addresses the developed methodologies for extending the existing S-2 processing chain to S-1 and S-3 and to a larger number of crop types, the implementation of a classification processing chain considering multi-annual spectral signatures, the integration of SAR time series into optical processing lines for mapping agricultural practices, as well as explore the algorithm potential in food insecure countries.

D53.1b - Integration Plan into Copernicus Service Architecture (Issue 2)

This report constituts the project’s suggested Integration Plan into Copernicus Service Architecture. A detailed description of the objectives will be provided together with an explanation of the findings and conclusions as derived by WP 53. It will comprehensively provide the project’s findings in view of timing and infrastructure requirements for inclusion of the identified improved and new candidate services and products into the Copernicus Service infrastructure.

D42.1b - Prototype Report: Consistent HR Layer Time Series/Incremental Updates (Issue 2)

This report comprises a description of the provided prototype datasets of Incremental Updates of HR Layers (linked to Deliverable P42.2). A detailed description of the objectives will be provided together with an explanation of the methodology, results and conclusions, as derived by WP 42. The report will address the prototypically updated HRLs Imperviousness, Forest, and Water/Wetness in the European prototype sites, together with analyses of the specific required date(s) for EO acquisition, classification and change identification, assessment of the influence of the spatial and temporal patchwork of EO image data, and accuracy assessment as well as plausibility checks.

D61.3a - Collection of Communication and Dissemination Material (Issue 1)

This deliverable constitutes a digital collection of all dissemination and communication materials produced by the project, comprising, amongst others, any project flyers and brochures, published DVDs, open access (OA) publications in scientific journals, conference proceedings, conference posters, public presentation slides, articles prepared for the project webpage, articles about ECoLaSS on other relevant websites and news portals, etc.

D51.1c - Stakeholder Consultation Report (Issue 3)

This report provides a detailed description and documentation of the project’s Stakeholder Consultation Process. A description of the objectives will be provided together with an explanation of the findings and conclusions as derived by WP 51. It provides a detailed documentation of the conducted work for identifying relevant stakeholders/stakeholder groups (to be) addressed by the project, focusses on the interactions with the entrusted entities EEA and JRC, and addresses planning and conduction of consultation workshops with institutional stakeholders and discussion sessions with federating stakeholder entities, such as EIONET or the Copernicus Committee/User Forum.

D51.1b - Stakeholder Consultation Report (Issue 2)

This report provides a detailed description and documentation of the project’s Stakeholder Consultation Process. A description of the objectives will be provided together with an explanation of the findings and conclusions as derived by WP 51. It provides a detailed documentation of the conducted work for identifying relevant stakeholders/stakeholder groups (to be) addressed by the project, focusses on the interactions with the entrusted entities EEA and JRC, and addresses planning and conduction of consultation workshops with institutional stakeholders and discussion sessions with federating stakeholder entities, such as EIONET or the Copernicus Committee/User Forum.

D31.1a - Methods Compendium: Sentinel-1/2/3 Integration Strategies (Issue 1)

This report constitutes a methods compendium of the investigated Sentinel-1/2/3 Integration Strategies. A detailed description of the objectives will be provided, followed by an explanation of the methodology and conclusions, as derived by WP 31. It addresses the pre-processing steps enabling complementary information integration and fusion, exploration of time series indicators from all three satellites, SAR & optical based indicator approaches as parallel inputs in classification / post-classification schemes, and interpolation and fusion tools of S-2 and S-3 data.

D32.1b - Methods Compendium: Time Series Preparation (Issue 2)

This report constitutes a methods compendium of the investigated Sentinel-1/2/3 Integration Strategies. A detailed description of the objectives will be provided, followed by an explanation of the methodology and conclusions, as derived by WP 31. It addresses the pre-processing steps enabling complementary information integration and fusion, exploration of time series indicators from all three satellites, SAR & optical based indicator approaches as parallel inputs in classification / post-classification schemes, and interpolation and fusion tools of S-2 and S-3 data.

D21.1a - Service Evolution Requirements Report (Issue 1)

This deliverable consists of a report describing the requirements for the Service Evolution of Copernicus Land Services, as collected by the project. A detailed description of the objectives will be provided, followed by an explanation of the findings and conclusions as derived by WP 21. It comprises the identified evolution requirements in terms of current (2012), upcoming (2015) and future (2018) Copernicus Land Monitoring Services.

D41.1b - Prototype Report: Time Series-derived Indicators and Variables (Issue 2)

This report comprises a description of the provided prototype datasets of Time Series-derived Indicators and Variables (linked to Deliverable P41.2). A detailed description of the objectives will be provided together with an explanation of the methodology, results and conclusions, as derived by WP 41. It addresses the implementation of land cover specific metrics based on S-2 phenology and the development of spatio-temporal curve-fitting derived metrics based on multi-annual Sentinel time series for four European prototype sites, as well as of metrics related to crop farming practices based on S-1 which will be tested in all European prototype sites, and assessed for the global extension potential of spetro-temporal metrics.

D12.2a - DWH request for 2018

This deliverable for DWH data use in 2018 summarises the project’s EO data requests towards the Data Warehouse mechanism managed by ESA, i.e. VHR Additional Datasets from Copernicus Contributing Missions. This deliverable will be accompanied by an MS Excel template detailing the EO data requests for the year 2018.

D35.1a - Methods Compendium: HRL Time Series Consistency for HRL Product (incremental) Updates (Issue 1)

This report constitutes a methods compendium for the investigated approaches on Time Series Consistency for HRL Product (incremental) Updates. A detailed description of the objectives will be provided, followed by an explanation of the methodology and conclusions, as derived by WP 35. It addresses methods for ensuring spatially and temporally consistent incremental updates of HRL products as well as for determination of an appropriate incremental update frequency, and methods for thematic characterisation of outputs, for calibration of thematic changes and for accuracy assessment of such changes.

D45.1b - Prototype Report: New LC/LU Products (Issue 2)

This report comprises a description of the provided prototype datasets of New Land Cover/Land Use Products (linked to Deliverable P45.2). A detailed description of the objectives will be provided together with an explanation of the methodology, results and conclusions, as derived by WP 45. It methodological descriptions and considerations in view of acquisition of relevant input VHR, Sentinel and supporting data for new LC/LU product implementation, development of a suitable probability sample at pan-European level based on Copernicus Land Validation project results, identification of relevant thematic class descriptors based on the EAGLE matrix concept, as well as implementation of a coherent HR Land Cover layer over selected demonstration sites.

D44.1a - Prototype Report: Crop Area and Crop Status/Parameters (Issue 1)

This report comprises a description of the provided prototype datasets of Crop Area and Crop Status/Parameters (linked to Deliverable D44.2). A detailed description of the objectives will be provided together with an explanation of the methodology, results and conclusions, as derived by WP 44. It addresses the developed methodologies for extending the existing S-2 processing chain to S-1 and S-3 and to a larger number of crop types, the implementation of a classification processing chain considering multi-annual spectral signatures, the integration of SAR time series into optical processing lines for mapping agricultural practices, as well as explore the algorithm potential in food insecure countries.

D43.1a - Prototype Report: Improved Permanent Grassland (Issue 1)

This report comprises a description of the provided prototype datasets of Improved Permanent Grassland products (linked to Deliverable P43.2). A detailed description of the objectives will be provided together with an explanation of the methodology, results and conclusions, as derived by WP 43. It addresses the prototype methodologies for preparation of in-situ reference and validation data sets, application of different grassland segmentation and classification algorithms (as described in WP 33) in all demonstration sites, accuracy assessment for the grassland product prototype results, and optimisation of the algorithms described in WP 33 based on the assessment results.

D35.1b - Methods Compendium: HRL Time Series Consistency for HRL Product (incremental) Updates (Issue 2)

This report constitutes a methods compendium for the investigated approaches on Time Series Consistency for HRL Product (incremental) Updates. A detailed description of the objectives will be provided, followed by an explanation of the methodology and conclusions, as derived by WP 35. It addresses methods for ensuring spatially and temporally consistent incremental updates of HRL products as well as for determination of an appropriate incremental update frequency, and methods for thematic characterisation of outputs, for calibration of thematic changes and for accuracy assessment of such changes.

D45.1a - Prototype Report: New LC/LU Products (Issue 1)

This report comprises a description of the provided prototype datasets of New Land Cover/Land Use Products (linked to Deliverable P45.2). A detailed description of the objectives will be provided together with an explanation of the methodology, results and conclusions, as derived by WP 45. It methodological descriptions and considerations in view of acquisition of relevant input VHR, Sentinel and supporting data for new LC/LU product implementation, development of a suitable probability sample at pan-European level based on Copernicus Land Validation project results, identification of relevant thematic class descriptors based on the EAGLE matrix concept, as well as implementation of a coherent HR Land Cover layer over selected demonstration sites.

D61.2a - Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (Issue 1)

This report will comprise a roadmap for implementing various dissemination and promotional activities in the project, tailored towards diverse target audiences, in order to promote the new/enhanced Copernicus Land information product developments and findings of the project. It will be also used by the consortium to measure dissemination progress over time. Communication activities of the project team with the relevant stakeholders (e.g. EEA, EIONET group, JRC) by means of technical meetings, workshops etc. will be highlighted. Dissemination and exploitations measures such as project flyers, publications in scientific journals and conference proceedings, presentations and posters as well as on the project website will be detailed. The deliverable will also address a strategy for communication and dissemination beyond the project’s lifetime and possible follow-up opportunities.

D34.1b - Methods Compendium: Time Series Analysis for Change Detection (Issue 2)

This report constitutes a methods compendium for the investigated approaches on Time Series Analyses for Change Detection. A detailed description of the objectives will be provided, followed by an explanation of the methodology and conclusions, as derived by WP 34. It addresses the project’s methodological approach for automated change detection based on optical and SAR Sentinel time series, addressing amongst others: (i) signal anomaly detection in time series based on optical and SAR data, (ii) change detection through fusing the signal anomaly detection results, as further input to WP 35 and Task 4 WPs.

D23.1b - Service Infrastructure/Architecture Requirements Report (Issue 2)

This deliverable consists of a report describing the requirements for the Service Infrastructure/Architecture. A detailed description of the objectives will be provided, followed by an explanation of the findings and conclusions, as derived by WP 23. It comprises an assessment of currently available and upcoming IT infrastructures, processing and storage capacity, etc. in view of requirements for future operational Copernicus services in general and the Land Monitoring service in particular.

D52.1b - Report on Candidates for Operational Roll-out (Issue 2)

This report addresses the selection process and results of the Copernicus Land service and product candidate assessment for operational roll-out. A detailed description of the objectives will be provided together with an explanation of the findings and conclusions as derived by WP 52. The report provides a detailed documentation of the benchmarking process conducted as a means for identifying candidate prototypes for operational service roll-out, including a documentation of the selection process of meaningful benchmarking criteria and related threshold levels. It further will provide an analysis of existing gaps and further development needs.

D61.2b - Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (Issue 2)

This report will comprise a roadmap for implementing various dissemination and promotional activities in the project, tailored towards diverse target audiences, in order to promote the new/enhanced Copernicus Land information product developments and findings of the project. It will be also used by the consortium to measure dissemination progress over time. Communication activities of the project team with the relevant stakeholders (e.g. EEA, EIONET group, JRC) by means of technical meetings, workshops etc. will be highlighted. Dissemination and exploitations measures such as project flyers, publications in scientific journals and conference proceedings, presentations and posters as well as on the project website will be detailed. The deliverable will also address a strategy for communication and dissemination beyond the project’s lifetime and possible follow-up opportunities.

D11.3a - Interim Progress Report (Issue 1)

This deliverable comprises the Interim Progress Report (Issue 1) that will be provided upon the Interim Progress Meeting 1 (M9). In preparation for the Periodic Report at M18 this report will comprise (i) an overview, including a publishable summary of the progress of work towards the objectives of the project, including achievements and attainment of any Milestones and Deliverables. These reports will include the differences between work expected to be carried out and that actually carried out; (ii) an explanation of the use of the resources, (iii) a Financial Statement (Form C – Annex VI of the GA) from each partner together with a summary financial report consolidating the claimed EC contribution of all partners in aggregate form, based on the information provided in Form C by each partners; (iv) a plan on upcoming communication, dissemination & exploitation, as well as a review of previous activities.

D32.1a - Methods Compendium: Time Series Preparation (Issue 1)

This report constitutes a methods compendium for the investigated approaches on Time Series Preparation. A detailed description of the objectives will be provided, followed by an explanation of the methodology and conclusions, as derived by WP 32. It addresses approaches for pre-processing of S-1, S-2, S-3 and Landsat-8 time series, a benchmarking of best suited algorithms and their application in test sites, the development of new methods and implementation of prototype methods for (i) cloud, cloud shadow and snow masking by integrating information over time, (ii) spatio-temporal noise reduction and gap-filling of optical time series, (iii) fusion of S-2/3 time series, (iv) spatio-temporal methods for noise reduction of dense S-1 time series.

D11.3b - Interim Progress Report (Issue 2)

This deliverable comprises the Interim Progress Report (Issue 2) that will be provided upon the Interim Progress Meeting 2 (M27). In preparation for the Periodic Report at M36 this report will comprise (i) an overview, including a publishable summary of the progress of work towards the objectives of the project, including achievements and attainment of any Milestones and Deliverables. These reports will include the differences between work expected to be carried out and that actually carried out; (ii) an explanation of the use of the resources; (iii) a Financial Statement (Form C – Annex VI of the GA) from each partner together with a summary financial report consolidating the claimed EC contribution of all partners in aggregate form, based on the information provided in Form C by each partners; (iv) a plan on upcoming communication, dissemination & exploitation, as well as a review of previous activities.

D12.2b - DWH request for 2019

This deliverable for DWH data use in 2019 summarises the project’s EO data requests towards the Data Warehouse mechanism managed by ESA, i.e. VHR Additional Datasets from Copernicus Contributing Missions. This deliverable will be accompanied by an MS Excel template detailing the EO data requests for the year 2019.

D41.1a - Prototype Report: Time Series-derived Indicators and Variables (Issue 1)

This report comprises a description of the provided prototype datasets of Time Series-derived Indicators and Variables (linked to Deliverable P41.2). A detailed description of the objectives will be provided together with an explanation of the methodology, results and conclusions, as derived by WP 41. It addresses the implementation of land cover specific metrics based on S-2 phenology and the development of spatio-temporal curve-fitting derived metrics based on multi-annual Sentinel time series for four European prototype sites, as well as of metrics related to crop farming practices based on S-1 which will be tested in all European prototype sites, and assessed for the global extension potential of spetro-temporal metrics.

D23.1a - Service Infrastructure/Architecture Requirements Report (Issue 1)

This deliverable consists of a report describing the requirements for the Service Infrastructure/Architecture. A detailed description of the objectives will be provided, followed by an explanation of the findings and conclusions, as derived by WP 23. It comprises an assessment of currently available and upcoming IT infrastructures, processing and storage capacity, etc. in view of requirements for future operational Copernicus services in general and the Land Monitoring service in particular.

D42.1a - Prototype Report: Consistent HR Layer Time Series/Incremental Updates (Issue 1)

This report comprises a description of the provided prototype datasets of Incremental Updates of HR Layers (linked to Deliverable P42.2). A detailed description of the objectives will be provided together with an explanation of the methodology, results and conclusions, as derived by WP 42. The report will address the prototypically updated HRLs Imperviousness, Forest, and Water/Wetness in the European prototype sites, together with analyses of the specific required date(s) for EO acquisition, classification and change identification, assessment of the influence of the spatial and temporal patchwork of EO image data, and accuracy assessment as well as plausibility checks.

D53.1a - Integration Plan into Copernicus Service Architecture (Issue 1)

This report constituts the project’s suggested Integration Plan into Copernicus Service Architecture. A detailed description of the objectives will be provided together with an explanation of the findings and conclusions as derived by WP 53. It will comprehensively provide the project’s findings in view of timing and infrastructure requirements for inclusion of the identified improved and new candidate services and products into the Copernicus Service infrastructure.

D51.1a - Stakeholder Consultation Report (Issue 1)

This report provides a detailed description and documentation of the project’s Stakeholder Consultation Process. A description of the objectives will be provided together with an explanation of the findings and conclusions as derived by WP 51. It provides a detailed documentation of the conducted work for identifying relevant stakeholders/stakeholder groups (to be) addressed by the project, focusses on the interactions with the entrusted entities EEA and JRC, and addresses planning and conduction of consultation workshops with institutional stakeholders and discussion sessions with federating stakeholder entities, such as EIONET or the Copernicus Committee/User Forum.

D22.1b - EO and other Data Requirements Report (Issue 2)

This deliverable consists of a report describing the (future) Copernicus services’ requirements for Earth Observation and other Data. A detailed description of the objectives will be provided, followed by an explanation of the findings and conclusions, as derived by WP 22, in view of requirements towards the current and future Sentinel constellation, third party contributing mission EO data, in-situ and reference data, as well as an assessment of any critical gaps.

D52.1a - Report on Candidates for Operational Roll-out (Issue 1)

This report addresses the selection process and results of the Copernicus Land service and product candidate assessment for operational roll-out. A detailed description of the objectives will be provided together with an explanation of the findings and conclusions as derived by WP 52. The report provides a detailed documentation of the benchmarking process conducted as a means for identifying candidate prototypes for operational service roll-out, including a documentation of the selection process of meaningful benchmarking criteria and related threshold levels. It further will provide an analysis of existing gaps and further development needs.

D51.1d - Stakeholder Consultation Report (Issue 4)

This report provides a detailed description and documentation of the project’s Stakeholder Consultation Process. A description of the objectives will be provided together with an explanation of the findings and conclusions as derived by WP 51. It provides a detailed documentation of the conducted work for identifying relevant stakeholders/stakeholder groups (to be) addressed by the project, focusses on the interactions with the entrusted entities EEA and JRC, and addresses planning and conduction of consultation workshops with institutional stakeholders and discussion sessions with federating stakeholder entities, such as EIONET or the Copernicus Committee/User Forum.

D12.1b - DWH use for 2018

This deliverable for DWH data use in 2018 summarises information about the used EO data obtained from the Data Warehouse mechanism managed by ESA, i.e. VHR Additional Datasets from Copernicus Contributing Missions. This deliverable will be accompanied by an MS Excel template detailing the EO data used in the year 2018.

D33.1b - Methods Compendium: Time Series Analysis for Thematic Classification (Issue 2)

This report constitutes a methods compendium for the investigated approaches on Time Series Analyses for Thematic Classification. A detailed description of the objectives will be provided, followed by an explanation of the methodology and conclusions, as derived by WP 33. It addresses approaches for optical image compositing methods specifically dedicated to thematic classification, development of selection methods of most suitable S-1 images, and development of time series classification methods for HR Layers, Crop Types and new LC/LU products.

D61.1 - Project Website

In order to promote ECoLaSS, a project website will be installed where the most important information and news about the project will be published. This will comprise information about the project’s background and objectives, the consortium member’s activities, a news section reporting about new developments as well as conferences and events. A publication section will provide access to all published material, accessible to everyone including the general public, and relevant web links.


Working towards Next-Generation Copernicus Agricultural Services: The ECoLaSS Project.

Autoren: Moser, L., Probeck, M., Ramminger, G., Defourny, P.
Veröffentlicht in: 23rd MARS Conference, from 28 – 19 November 2017, Gormanston, Ireland, oral presentation., Ausgabe 23, 2017
Herausgeber: Joint Research Center (JRC)

Crop Mapping for a Future Copernicus Agricultural Service

Autoren: Linda Moser, Gernot Ramminger, Markus Probeck, Christoph Rieke, Benjamin Mack, Cornelia Storch, Carolin Sommer, Christopher Sandow, Regine Richter, Marcus Sindram, Anna Homolka, Hannes Ott, Martin Ickerott, Axel Relin
Veröffentlicht in: IGARSS 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2018, Seite(n) 3848-3851, ISBN 978-1-5386-7150-4
Herausgeber: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/igarss.2018.8518324

Evolution of Next-generation Copernicus High Resolution Layers on Forest and Agriculture: The ECoLaSS Project

Autoren: Moser, L., Probeck, M., Ramminger, G., Rieke, C., Mack, B., Ickerott, M., Storch, C., Sommer, C., Richter, R., Herrmann, D., Ruiz, I., Kovatsch, M., Schwab K.
Veröffentlicht in: 38th EARSeL, 3rd joint EARSeL LCLU & NASA LCLUC Workshop, 11-12 July 2018, Chania, Greece; conference proceedings, oral and poster presentation, Ausgabe 3, 2018
Herausgeber: EARSeL Society


Autoren: E. Sevillano Marco, D. Herrmann, K. Schwab, K. Schweitzer, R. Almengor, F. Berndt, C. Sommer, M. Probeck
Veröffentlicht in: ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Ausgabe XLII-2/W16, 2019, Seite(n) 201-208, ISSN 2194-9034
Herausgeber: International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
DOI: 10.5194/isprs-archives-xlii-2-w16-201-2019

Sentinel-based Evolution of Copernicus Land Services on Continental and Global Scale

Autoren: Moser, Linda; Probeck, Markus; Ramminger, Gernot; Sannier, Christophe; Desclée, Baudouin; Schardt, Matthias; Gallaun, Heinz; Deutscher, Janik; Defourny, Pierre; Blaes, Xavier; Klein, Igor; Keil, Manfred; Hirner, Andreas; Esch, Thomas
Veröffentlicht in: WorldCover 2017 Conference, 14 - 16 March 2017, Frascati, ESA/ESRIN, Italy, poster presentation., Ausgabe 1, 2017
Herausgeber: European Space Agency

Sentinel-based Evolution of Copernicus Land Services – The ECoLaSS Project

Autoren: Moser, L., Probeck, M., Ramminger, G., Herrmann, D., Kovatsch, M., and Schwab, K.
Veröffentlicht in: Multiply Workshop, from 6 – 8 February 2018, Frascati, ESA/ESRIN, Italy, oral and poster presentation., Ausgabe 1, 2018
Herausgeber: H2020 Multiply Project

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